I used to have 3 breda30 before this update,after the update, they all disappeared,and all machinegunners are unavailable
i bought plenty of those too, no where to be seen in my inventory.
same with prewar kar 98s, kriegsmodel kar 98s, vg 2s, and vg 1 - 5s.
They’ve disappeared because you named your soldier Vladimir Putin.
I did not, so I have all my Bredas
You should contact support: https://support.gaijin.net/hc/en-us
This bug is selective, so devs might not identify all accounts that have this issue
yeah welll…
how can we verify and don’t come of as " begging for stuff that we cannot proof that we had " ?
i know i bought at least more than 3
but… yeah… not much to work on.
weird once i saw this i immediately login to find all my breda somehow intact i guess it is true that it is selective
That’s the whole point - remember EULA everyone had to sign in order to play the game in big merge update? There was a specific point about how everything ingame belongs to Gaijin and they can do whatever they please with ingame content, items bound to our (their) accounts (they let us use, for now) belong to Gaijin.
Players after every patch trying to see what they've lost this time
Do beg. You don’t have to kneel, just yet.
just a few breadas.
not the end of the world for me.
a bit of a shame that i deleted the videos that i started to do because i exactly knew this was gonna happen.
at least i have the cosmetic ones still intact though.
I still have a bunch that I regularly use in low br?
But I’d be pissed were they disappearing…
I wonder.
Ain’t that name the modern equivalent of some square mustachioed despot of ww2?
In another post of a user claimed that support told them they had no record of buying bredas, only transferring them from Germany. That implies that gaijin/darkflow keeps detailed records of all account activity.
It might be worth asking even if you don’t have any proof yourself. Also maybe you just transferred all your bredas and now they’re back in the German inventory