Somehow I wish the old enlisted is back

At the moment I want to play more Berlin with the germans and I always get Normandy. If i want to play moscow I get Tunisia. Its no fun anymore. The matchmaking hasn’t improved one side destroys the other as a random player. Out of 10 rounds I have one exciting one. It wasn’t much different with the campaign system either


Man if only there was a system that let us limit what maps we could MM into. Maybe one that also had solid historical accuracy so that late war guns didn’t show up in early war and equipment that was in one battlefield but not another wouldn’t show up in the other

Welp, too bad a system like that is impossible and never existed!
…wait a minute


No need to bring back the old campaigns. There are some plans to add a “preferred maps system”.

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I am open to everything but it can’t stay like this

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I din’t talk about this system, I enjoyed the old enlisted more than the current one

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Win farmers trying to gang up on Japan by spamming USA, so it’s more likely for you to fight vs USA

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