Some potential suggestions

As we all know anti air was broken on launch and suffered from being over powered and now it’s a bit underpowered because of the nerf and I was wanting to suggest maybe instead buffing it and then adding airfield like we see in warthunder. It could potentially be a better fix however this is just a suggestion and I know changes like this are not as simple as they sound. So do with this as you will, also maybe some more gore would be great it feels weird seeing a guys arm torn off but hardly any blood. It might just be the low quality textures but I don’t know. Additionally I feel this game is just begging to have more stances for infantry and crouch sprinting. It doesn’t feel right sprinting standing up in a trench with my head peaking out for all to see. And lastly I feel this game also calls for some realistic damage models added to the infantry for example a diagram of the human like you have with the tanks…. With related medical effects added to gameplay ie lung shot… short of stamina and heavy breathing that gives away position. Maybe even visible blood trails left behind where the player walks and a coughing sound. And heart shots instant kill etc.

Airfields would just make people FLAG03ing more with their planes because not worth it to fly back to airfield, land and taking off. Or not fly at all.
Carrier planes are already pain in the ass and unfun and unworth it.
Also some maps and factions couldnt get airfields such as Allies in D-Day and Ver-Sur or Pacific.
Gore… sure…
“Realistic” infantry hitboxes… I do not know what this game does to scream for more realism. Not really needed.


I’d love to see airfields and more stances, but AA doesn’t need any buffs, nor do we need more gore or detailed human internals. Completely unnecessary.

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Yes to the airfield (but keeping the air resupply point might be a good idea) and maybe to the rest of your suggestions. they’d have to be done right or very tentatively.


Is that we are calling it now?

I don’t mind adding airfields, however some maps it really just wouldn’t make sense … for example D-Day … where are you going to put the airfield. In pacific you have carriers, but not all planes are carrier planes, there is a legitimate question there. That being said, I do agree with CaptainSebekel, it would incentivize people just kamikaze into the deck. Therefore I would only want it if it also came with a ticket changes / addition to defense/offense.

yup. Airfields with air supply point sounds great to me

we also discussed that a bit in the thread aswell.

I mean they do that now anyway. Just plane cycle kamazi.

At least with Airfield Take off (still air ressuply) It would be a deterant for suicide “cycling”. Maybe they suicide anyway, but at least they wont be doing it again as quickly…they would have to suffer taking off to rinse and repeat. It would Cost them alot more time than simply flying back to ressuply point.


D day would still work as well because if I’m not mistaken carriers where present on the landing of Normandy.

Not every plane is carrier supported. many require much longer fields to take off … especially bombers.

Exactly my thoughts and as for maps the maps aren’t always realistic to the t they have fictional maps as well.

I disagree spawning on said airfield would also help mitigate some of the spawn cycling exploiting we see all the time. And it would add some interesting depth and scale to the map I think. Including maybe not just an airfield but for maps like d day you spawn off a carrier.

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True. there are a few things that can be done, that warthunder did in the past

  • Bombers start already in the air 50 meters above the runway.
  • Any plane can be repaired on the Carrier, But if they are not carrier aircraft, they respawn in the air 50 meters above the carrier
  • Carrier Catipult gets buffed to chuck carrier aircraft up to speed suddenly.

just stuff like that. I think Normandy would be the only exception for runways, but even then you could just add runways on the coast for each team, either side of the battle map. Only pilots will know about the inaccuracy anyway haha.

Warthunder does this for the normandy map. (and the ground RB version)



I wouldn’t mind this as long as the “Pacific Plane Issue” is fixed. Right now Carrier Take Off is worse than Air Takeoff due to not needing to climb and gain altitude and TAS. Non Pacific maps have a delay before planes can spawn, but pacific maps they don’t … regardless of carrier takeoff or not. If they made non carrier planes have the wait period to spawn and carrier to be able to go immediately that would work to keep away issues of quick strikes at the beginning. There is a reason the delay was placed in the first place. The same can be done to airfields where longer range planes spawn in the air and shorter range can spawn on the ground with no spawn delay at the beginning for balance reasons.


As for the hitboxes I asked chat gpt and it said that they acknowledged working on something of the sort but haven’t released any details on how it’s going to work. Ik gpt is not always right and is not a verry reliable source so do with that as you will. Also I did not say it screams for more realism. More stances however yes. Because In the current state of the game it’s trying to to be milsim experience with a very unintuitive control scheme. What I’m saying it’s screaming for is at the verry least the ability to crouch sprint.

honestly cant believe that hasnt been fixed yet. its a general rule breaker, and a significant point of imbalance.


especially considering there is no Army aircraft in low BR japan, and very limited options in high (only a few fighters).


Honestly had no clue about that since I main ussr

yeah, it gets really bad, when you are trying to take off in a zero and you get halfway to the objective still gaining altitude to dive bomb and suddenly you get blasted by a P38 that already made their attack run and made it halfway to your spawn.

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Another point of imbalance I’ve noticed is United States is the only nation with an anti air truck

Japan Has the Tase 20mm SPAA as well.

The issue is that the Russian and German ones were event only






japan has AA tank. Soviets and Germany have event SPAA