Some potential suggestions

That’s a shame really. Hopefully we will see a more fleshed out vehicle tree in the future then.

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How? Flying back and landing to rearm is still tiresome and not worth it.

Yeah… try that with planes that are not made for that such as the P-51s, the A-20, the Beautifighter, the Hurricane, the Spitfire, all P-38s or the P-47.
Or basically all German and Soviet planes excluding biplanes.

Chatgpt also told me once that I should invest in Tesla 2024 because, this time, their FSD will work and because of the Cybertruck and whatever it said about Musk’s other Ponzi promises.
And if it doesn’t even bother to quote its sources, it makes things up entirely based on chances, especially the 3.5 shitty version.

Short: Don’t believe, let alone refer to ChatGPT, especially if it doesn’t even quote (correct) sources.

BIG difference I guess.

With all due respect… but…
Jack - Laugh
have you ever played a milsim? Because I remember my short days from Arma and at best the engineer and the APCs might come close to it. But that’s like saying that a Fiat Multiple is like a Porsche 911 because they both have tires and a fuel engine.

Some ship battles might be a cool addition. After all some battles where supported by the navy after all

Hmm? No it isn’t. If you just suicide you won’t be able to use your plane for some time, just like it is now. The motivations and consequences for suiciding won’t change at all with airfields. If anything, critically damaged planes would have the option to land and repair instead of potentially suiciding.

In WT, planes suicide a lot more in ground AB which has air spawn, compared to ground RB which has airfield spawn.

You quite literally did…

If you want a milsim experience, you should be looking somewhere else…

The suicide penalty is a joke. Most people wouldn’t even recognize it is a penalty.


Highly depends on the damage.

Ground AB is completely different from RB. It is more like a kill streak from CoD where you earn the ability to temporarily fly them for a minute or so when you have enough kills for a bomber or attacker as well as a fighter to counter or support them. An people prefer to crash fast/ get into their tank back, because it makes their tanks sitting ducks for a minute, which can be easily killed.
Meanwhile, in Ground RB, you still spawn in the air, but a) you do not fly the plane for a limited time and need to worry about your tank, and b) you can rearm them on airfields, though most matches do not last that long.

Enlisted planes spawn in the air unless they are carrier planes and can rearm in the air, but this is still too long for FLAG03s, so they prefer to crash and cycle with the joke of the suicide penalty.

So? How would airfields change that in any way?

How and why exactly may I ask?

So Enlisted planes with airfields will be very similar to WT GRB, hence your reasoning that it will result in more kamikaze-ing is faulty. Also most matches actually DO last long enough for planes to rearm and repair multiple times, both in WT and in Enlisted.

Well. It would make more people commit suicide because the suicide penalty is way shorter than the time you need to fly back and land take off and get back to the battlefield. Or make people not fly at all and just use tanks more… which would be a bigger pain in the ass because less planes would try to kill them.

I already explained and I don’t know why I still need to. Just look at the previous paragraph.

Julien Fragezeichen
What? No. Did you ever play Ground RB?

Enlisted and most WT matches last 15 minutes on average; Enlisted usually less with 10 or 12, and in WT, you first of all need to earn points to spawn a plane. So I don’t know what you are on to make such statements, especially since planes in Enlisted have their speed and acceleration nerfed.

The way I see it, people who suicided before will still suicide, and people who stayed up before, will still stay up.

If you’re really worried about that, perhaps we can keep the air rearm points as is. People who want to repair(such people are far less likely to be suicide bombers) would be free to take their time and use the airfield, and that will be the only thing that changes. Repairs are the main reason people want airfields in Enlisted.

Yes. Why do you think it’s so different?

The SP cost is so cheap, basically anyone can get in a plane after their first tank spawn. Enlisted also doesn’t allow you to spawn a plane in the beginning, so I’d say it’s more or less similar.

Isn’t it actually buffed? AFAIK Enlisted’s base FM values are WT’s fully spaded values, and Enlisted’s upgraded FM values can be quite higher. Don’t know if it’s true for every plane though.

So it doesn’t solve anything other than making people, who do not commit FLAG03, harder to justify for not committing suicide.
Thanks… I guess…

Except it still would be more logical to commit suicide and cycle or use different plane due to time reason.

  • Enlisted does not make you pay repair costs.
  • WT planes still do not spawn in Airfields in Ground RB.
  • Enlisted does not require you to earn points to play planes.
  • WT does not have suicide penalties beyond repair costs.
  • WT has more than two planes per side and two tanks per side and far more players use SPAAGs.
  • WT maps are bigger, so people at least need to pay attention to FLAG03. The enemy and planes are less crucial against armor.

Not really because you usually need kill(s) or earn enough through tasks. It also depends a lot on the plane and payload.


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Why does it sound like you’re trying to justify them? I thought you didn’t like them?

If you want to fix it, you dont want to encourage it.
Currently, it is time and punishment, and that is the issue. If it is too much time, people would FLAG03 more or fly less if at all. If less time is required for rearming, moving to the battlefield, etc., planes become even more cancer.
No punishment is bad, but the devs so far failed to make the game judge differently since not all people who crash are suicide bombers and just failed to climb in time or got hit by a random tree.
The best that came so far was that bombs wouldn’t kill people if the dropper died right after he dropped the bomb, but I think that it was from 2022 or earlier and eventually shadow-removed for reasons that were never mentioned. It also doesn’t solve the issue with rockets… but still better than airfield or this joke of penalty timer.
Another attempt could be AA adjustments but that also doesn’t solve suiciders since they still would be able to at least launch rockets.