Some pictures of Stug III in action

Combined arms go brr

Sturmovik attack

Enemy attempt to become the Hero of the Soviet Union

Bullying T-60

Stug III vs BT-7 skirmish

If my teammates didn’t spot this BT-7, it would have flanked me when I was trying to flank it.Flanker who tried to flank a flanker was flanked.
A very nice tank vs tank engagement. Quite unique in the enlisted environment.

Originally I wanted to post just this video. But I got distracted and made also 10 screen shots you can see here.

The Hero of the Soviet Union (post mortem)

So yeah, I’m doing great grinding the event. I totally didn’t just spent 1h making this :upside_down_face:


Nice pictures. I can see you have very good tastes since you like the Stug :muscle:


Always love to see a fellow Stug enjoyer

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Love Stugs - sadly they are worthless.

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I think you misspelled “amazing”


I wouldn’t say they’re worthless, just not meta.

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I am sad that the stug 3 g is behing paywall. The f variant has way less frontal armour making it almost useless compared to other br 3 vehicles


Yeah, it’s not amazing. But at least it has good gun (though I’d kill for 10 tungsten rounds).


Stug is amazing.

But. I also like to use…

The Semonvente!

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No turret, no MG same armor as BR1 Panzer III J, same gun as BR3 Panzer IV.

Why would anyone ever even consider using that tank?

Should be a BR2 vehicle.

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That’s not a Stug III. The Sturmgeschütz III has machine guns :rofl:

Eh, tank MGs have so nerfed damage that it’s better to use commander’s SMG most of the time. At least it doesn’t overheat after 7 shots.


It’s perfect wdym! (dw I know it’s very flawed, I just like the Stug III history wise).

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Same can be said about HE - which Stugs also can’t reliably use compared to Panzer IV, because they carry less ammo and have a rather low profile - cant shoot above cover.

Stugs are very situational - and perform worse than their main tank counterparts.

SPGs should almost all of them get lowered one BR


Same goes for usa tank destroyers. M10 and m18 have no use in t4 and t5

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