Some ppl suggest to nerf those weapons, that’s not what I’ll argue about here. I just want to give some examples of how it could be made without simply changing some numbers and making them useless (anybody saw WP recently?).
Rifle grenades
As we can see on the vid, shooring rifle grenades is quite violent (of course this grenade is much bigger than most ww2 ones but you get the point). Shooter needs to prepare almost his whole body to make a shot. Meanwhile in the game you can just hipfire it mid-air like a paintball gun.
Removing the option to hipfire and making ADS time longer would quite well simulate this behaviour. Player would need to plan ahead when to use the rifle grenade instead of just runing around and hipfire it whenever.
This takes care of ppl jumping through doors and nuking the whole room while mid-air. But what about choke points?
In those scenation what matters is raw firepower. Nerfing rof by adding a proper reload animation (loading a dummy bullet) should do the trick.
Impact grenades
So like above, the obvious solution is to decrease the rof by adding a priming animation.
Though I’d like to add also another thing. If somebody who has a primed grenade in hand gets killed/downed, his grenade dropps on the ground as “neutral” and can kill friendlies. (Maybe this mechanic is already in the game, I don’t know, I never saw somebody shot with impact nade in hand.)
This way those grenades will have their irl downside: they are dangerous to everybody.
There is also more hardcore version: drop grenade when you get shot at all (not only killed/downed).
Another idea is to “simply” limit their quantity. For exaple add a grenadier class that has exclusive acces to impact grenades, rifle grenades and WPs.
This has some major downsides though:
- it requires to retrofit those class to existing squads (didn’t happen with medics after merge at all)
- it will be a mess to reasign rifle nades from other classes
- DF dislikes to lock equipment to certain classes and makes exceptions whole damn time so making a class to limit something just to make an exception a week later is counter productive
That’s all. Just some ideas that imo would work out 10 times better than just nerfing things into oblivion. It’s better to make stuff usable to a few rather than useless to everybody.