Mainly for the devs.
Knowing there is work in progress for cosmetics (uniforms, face change etc) I wondered if it was possible for the devs to modify just a bit the running animation to fit something historical (Yes, I took the idea from the red orchestra games, who did extensive research)
The way german soldiers run wielding their rifles:
In Enlisted, we see this:
It looks pretty, but is in fact incorrect. German infantrymen were drilled to run holding their rifle in one hand only (only the right?) As an additional way to differentiate themselves from the enemy when afar. They knew that during a campaign, the prim and proper look of their uniforms would “wash away”, oftentimes covered in mud and dirt. And we know that the range of engagement could be very well da… far, especially with tanks. As such, they looked like this while running:
Here we have plastic Hans striking a running pose with his rifle:

And here real Hans probably running away from the russian might. He didnt want to get mowed by his own side’s 42s while falling back, so he knew better and ran this way:
This is just a tiny bit of realism that could be implemented in game, without breaking anything. And in fact could be TREMENDOUSLY useful now in lone fighter with friendly fire on and UI to it’s minimum.
having different running animations would help with hardcore mode.
I remember I used that fact a lot in Red Orchestra 2 more hardcore mode
So that way of running was on purpose? That explains a lot, thaks for that info!
if you watch Russians moving in WWII footage they usually keep both hands on their weapon.
I have to pay more attention next time.
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Americans were trained to keep the stock low, muzzle high because they would use the stock to help dive to the ground if they came under fire. This posture for IMT (individual movement techniques) actually carried on for many decades. (When I joined the infantry it was taught to me as an educational benefit)

That’s even better! They could implement this for the allied forces for even more realism and immersion. I didn’t know that one!

Snippet from FM-21-75 (combat skills field manual aka infantry bible)
Running that way technically should make you faster. Not only that, I know for a fact soldiers have more running stamina than what’s portrayed in the game. There should be jogging/sprinting.
In the game you speed walk as a standard. When you sprint, its like a jog. It’s kinda slow
It’s fast when you go through a feet deep of sticky mud…
bro you fly around in this game.
It felt so good to read a suggestion like this after all the buff/nerf/revert ones, thank you! 
I saw they carried the weapon both ways, but spending 5 minutes on youtube is not considered too much historical evidence. But for gameplay it would be probably good.
Keep in mind if there was an enemy in shooting distance, them men would of course hold their rifles at the ready, wich might be misleading a bit. That running stance was mostly used to reach the fighting line, or fall back to another 
IMT is not meant to be gospel, it’s taught to instruct soldiers on a variety of effective ways to conduct movement to contacts, patrols and other stuff. Soldiers can and will carry their weapons in whatever manner they deem comfortable even if it contradicts training doctrine.
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Oh wow, Red Orchestra running animations make sense now… wow my god you guys are true captains!
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I played alot of old school Red Orchestra back in the day. Hey I even got my nickname from there. Red ochestra 1 was veeery realistic (compared to everything else at the time). I enjoyed the atmosphere of dread that game portrayed, while playing a filthy peasant rifleman (my all time favourite class). I remember in the first one, even reloading was made realistically: your soldier in combat situation STRUGGLED to load a new clip in his rifle, and often cussed doing so. I was like… wow…
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