Soldier XP overleveling has been removed

Just noticed soldier xp overleveling has been removed, which means hard earnt XP is going to waste.
Prior to update if you earnt enough soldier XP to get your next star/perk the game would add any further XP into the next level, now unless you have unlocked the next level any over earnt XP is BINNED.
This progression update is a death nail for F2P players, before you could balance it out with some grinding and putting in the hours, now there’s little reward or incentive for doing this .


Didn’t notice. Very f*cked up. I liked to play a few games and then end with distributing points. Now distribution points and exp management happen after every single game.

my brother and I were first annoyed by the removal of gaining retrain points for our L5 soldiers. What we discovered upon a closer look, when you remove a perk, you lose a level, fine. The only thing that actually matters though is the max star rank to determine how many perk points you have and what perks the soldier has. We pretty much dumped all the trash perks, brought them down to 0-1 level then level forward to get a chance to get those perks back. This method should not be that big a deal for premium and free to play players as long as you understand this was a great blessing in disguise. basically this system is vastly superior to the previous academy system but we do agree, removing accruing those points sucked but this minor alternative is acceptable

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I agree with you.

About soldier xp capped at every rank. Isn’t,

I just earned 3 stars yesterday for a soldier on a single match… Just like befor.

And just like befor, ofc you won’t earn xp untill you rank it. But you will earn the next star xp even if you didn’t select the perk on current star.

I got 3 stars full yesterday on a soldier . So it’s possible to rank more than 1 star per match.

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Got to disagree slightly as a F2P player after a couple of days play since the update I’m out of bronze orders pretty much and where with the old system I was levelling multiple soldiers in multiple campaigns every day it’s a much slower harder slog to get anywhere now. Also once you are out of bronze orders any XP your soldiers are earning once they reached there level cap (whether it’s 2 to 4) is wasted because you can’t pay to ungraded them. Not only that but I’ve loads of unneeded reserves and lots of silver orders and nothing to use them for. All in all it’s a very half baked update, for me now as a F2P player it will be the daily tasks and then I’ll stop playing, where I would normal play on bolstering the player numbers and helping myself that’s all locked out now.

It is possible as long as you have unlocked the level, I’ve just done the following with an axis infantryman in tunisia,the likes of you hitting the exact amount to get the next perk and not carry even 1 XP point over are slim

And then I upgraded the 2 perks and level and the soldier has carried no surplus over because the level was not unlocked

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