Soldier death limits

Hi, id say that atacking team has 1000 soldier death limit, and defending side has no,soldier death limit is not fair totall. i sugest that defending side should have soldier limits too, because now its like defending side team just runing like cannon meat die and again runing,… most of the time its hard to win that battle… not to mention if in team is player who pay for the win, then its a littbe easier to win… but oweral in battles no one run like cannon meats and in this game i dont see strategy , and caution… everybody is runing like mad… please make it more realistic because now its bigest nonsence. bad speak english but i hope understand what i want to say .

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it would be nice if dead bodies on tanks or scattered around the maps were also added to make the battle experience more realistic at a glance

While there does need to be changes made to the system, I REALLY don’t think just limiting the defenders in that way is a good solution.

After all, with the current system, each side has a limited resource, which when depleted, gives the victory to the other team.

Attackers get limited lives.
Defenders get limited capture points.

The problem currently is that defenders aren’t really allowed to properly fortify and actually play DEFENSIVELY.

Instead, everyone is encouraged to play in a run-and-gun style and spam explosives (that don’t do friendly fire damage) everywhere.

First and foremost, there needs to be time given between objectives to actually fortify. One of the biggest issues currently is that defenders usually have to GUESS where the next objective is going to be in order to fortify in advance. On top of that, the system seems to send the next objective to an alternative location if the normal one has fortifications nearby!

  • So many people complain about barbwire, czech hedgehogs, and AP mines in doorways, yet we don’t really get much chance to build them elsewhere in a meaningful sense.

  • On top of that, fortifications are currently far too easy to break, to where every nearby explosion decimates them, and non-engineer soldiers have the option to simply break them down for zero cost.

  • Due to these issues, most battles are fought on the objective and pushing toward the defenders spawn, which for a game that is designed around attackers and defenders is actually the opposite of what SHOULD be happening!
    The main part of the fight should be taking place on the objective and toward the ATTACKERS spawn.

  • Defenders already have a hard enough time trying to defend, so if they also had to deal with limited spawn issues like you are suggesting, it would be a guaranteed loss every single game.

Ultimately, fix the viability of defensive tactics and structures, THEN we can talk about giving them another limited resource.


Thats the problem of map design. Some maps must be redesigned from top to bottom. Any other change will not solve the issue

The maps could use some change. HOWEVER…

I disagree. I’ve noted many times that i really think an overhaul on fortification mechanics is needed.

  • Fortifications should be resistant if not immune to fragmentation damage (can still be destroyed with direct blast hits)

  • Sandbag walls need to be able to be stacked 2x again

  • Non-engineer units should not be able to “deconstruct” fortifications unless they have “toolkit” consumables in their inventory

  • Czech Hedgehogs should not be able to be deployed indoors (or at least specifically to block doors, they should be encouraged to be deployed against tanks and such outdoors)

  • Creeping Greyzone change instead of Instantaneous

  • and more, would all help the situation significantly!


If you play cautious and engage shooting often this may be a problem, invasion has to be played pulse rushing,

attackers have tickets
defenders have objectives

I don’t like this design at all but in summary you gotta run.

I would agree with you but the game is too fast pace so we need more sturdy fortifications to keep them out and if we don’t get the fortifications put up in time we end up having to use our bodies to block them because you couldn’t put the fortifications up in time.

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