So when is the GL spamming nerf coming?

Because I’m sick of it. You nerfed AP mines, how about you look into GL spammers now? Because i was just in a game where this dude did nothing, i mean literally NOTHING but spam GLs. Limit who can carry one. Because as of now you can run around with a 9 man rifle squad…

  1. fire rifle nade get a kill or kills
  2. switch to next guy (repeat #1)
  3. repeat step #2

Endless spamming. RANT OFF/


Rather increase reload time or add special rounds to rifle launchers who had them.


i get sick of getting shot by guns, could they just nerf those while they are at it, they are so toxic


Shoot the man. Problem solved until he spawns again. Shoot him again. Profit




How about we set aside the difference of opinions but focus at the nature of GL reloading procedure itself? I think we can’t deny that the current reload animations aren’t correct, right? Most of them require blank rounds loading in before being able to shoot, maybe except for some Soviet GL which uses live rounds as I heard of. Squad 44 might be a good example of how reload animations were supposed to be.


This is a war game, not a competitive FPS
This is why it is reasonable for players who are good at using equipment and terrain to fight and slaughter idiots.
If you don’t want to be killed by the same thing too many times
Please learn to use your brain to improve your survivability in ground combat
Instead of putting the blame on the enemy and equipment
I believe that any player with normal intelligence would not walk in a place where they would be ambushed by enemies and then continue to suffer damage.


Are you sure though? Because you basically keep describing a competitive game.
Also war is some sort of competition so

Oh look we have a bad ass here guys. Let’s bow down to him

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I think you do have a serious cognitive impairment or logical thinking disorder
You really need to go to a psychiatric unit for testing.

War team PVP is not equal to FPS competition
The former such as PlanetSide 2 or various war simulation games
This type of game has many elements that can be used instead of just relying on guns to fight.
The latter are games such as CS SF (theme is gun battle)
Their main gameplay is often limited to a small map and using guns and a small number of throwing props to fight simple battles in a short period of time without many gameplay options.

I dont know. All I can see here is someone who puts Planetside 2 on the same level as Enlisted because of a hammer which is next-level delusional. Please tell that to people who play/ played PS2, I am pretty sure they will agree on that one.