So, we should not buy the final upgrade for aircraft?

The final upgrade only cripples performance. So, we should not buy it right?

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To be honest, for me it seems like every upgrade makes my plane worse. They certainly haven’t made any of my planes more durable from what I can see. But it does make them slower as they get heavier.

It’s a visual bug


Continuing the discussion from Testing the "Tigers of Burma” update:

So which stats are the real stats, I’m really confused.

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“Visual bug” to me that means the plane functions correctly, the stats are improved by the upgrade, it’s just the words on the screen that show incorrect values.

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I think they mean it reduces the amount of drag by that much - not that it reduces the co-efficient.

I’ve always upgraded them and found full stars better than 1 missing star

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I think you either want no upgrades or full upgrades with nothing in between

No upgrades seems to be more BnZ setup where you turn worse but don’t bleed energy as crazy and your overall speeds seem to be higher

Full upgrades make the plane turn so hard it bleeds energy like crazy…but the higher power usually means youre better at staying afloat at lower speeds

At least when tested on a Zero the unupgraded one way awful at taking off and until like 300 kph but was noticeably faster in the 300 to 400 kph range (ish) and did less aggressive turns so it generally kept the speed up.

Upgraded one took off in like 2/3rds the distance and generally ripped till past 300 ish…then it was kinda sluggish in acceleration and any aggressive turn would easily put it down to 250-300

But…it was just me faffing about in the training mode for half an hour so it’s not like it’s truly rigorous

according to ingame stats, seems the third upgrade doesn’t do anything. what is weirder is that according to @Euthymia07 resource sheet, max speed should be better, but ingame turn and climb are better than the reference.
E13 in enlisted resource:

  • Max Speed: 385,20
  • Climb Rate: 15,81
  • Turn Rate: 11,19
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