Anyone wanna share info with the console peasants since the developers clearly don’t care enough to let us partake in testing ourselves?
super pershing feel great imo
less ammo than normal pershing tho
I could test since I use a PC, but I am to lazy and figure I would just screw up linking to the text thing anyway, so I just wait…Impatiently. Both my kids play PS5, but they both stopped playing Enlisted over a year ago.
Yeah I’d imagine so. Whole lot bigger of a bullet there. 50” long shell
hyde feel kinda decent for me ngl it definitely a close-mid range gun
Basically, everything is great. MG42 is very good, the best. Hyde is also not bad. Not imba, as some thought. Tanks are tanks. Bombers drop one bomb at a time, definitely imba. Same with rockets, they are launched one at a time. They added weapons for the New Year’s event, most likely. Thompson japanese and MKB. There is also a possibility that the game will have ShKAs for infantry. It received a new 3D model. In this case, Stinger will have to move. Then start asking for MG42 with rof 1600 and 250 rounds, lol.
How’s the recoil?
kinda similar to thomson .30cal ngl but i havent got it so cant say for fully upgrade
tried it in practice tho
Super pershing drives super slow and has super slow reload…hence the “super” I guess
(but I’m no tanker)
I think it’s going to be decent fully upgraded + with soldier perks.
But its recoil definitely not going to be StG and AS level.
For me personally, sights were more annoying than recoil.
Aw was hoping for something a bit more controllable. Is what it is I suppose. If it’s .30 Cal Thompson levels it’s definitely close range on full and mid on semi
Completely expected. You got a couple TONS of extra weight on that thing and the ammunition is 50” long
Darn was kinda hoping to outrange or at least compete at the same range as them. Can’t have it all I guess. Lol. Least it’s something
Aw no are we back to the sight issue again? Can you screenshot an ADS for me?
Well, it’s still just a test server and things could change.
Nope. I am no longer at home.
But you can check some videos on YouTube.
for example this one
sight feel ok to me tbh not good but not m2 carbine lvl before they got change
In that case, it’s very good, because it really feels super heavy when driving and the shells are huge
I reached about 25 km/h speed in practice.
The new japanese tank BR 5 Chi Ri II goes faster (30+ km/h) and has super FAST reload and devastating shells!
Btw. I really love the added soldier slot for majority of premium/event squads.
Truly a huge thing.
And the bike physics is greatly improved.
Overall I really like the update.
Eehhh it’s not the worst in the game. I can live with em
Oh can it use event squads now too?
Yes, nearly all premium/event squads got slot for either engineer or AT soldier.
For example, MG39 squad can be now 6 men.
One engineer with MG39, four gunners with MG39 and then either non premium classic engineer or non premium classic AT soldier.
Oohh misread. Thought you meant the preemie squad slot. Lol. Yeah I’m pretty psyched for the extra slot too. Little more utility on otherwise near useless squads. Granted I’m one of the “better a collector’s item/fun novelty than P2W,” but still a little buff to em won’t hurt any. Plus I LOVE me some AT work