So since the update I can no longer spot?

I’ve looked every where in the game controls even reset them 100’s of times. I was good at pinging with the V key, but it’s dead now. Any idea’s cause I ping tanks, and mass groups when I’m crouched or hugging the ground. I feel kind of naked with out it.

I tried in practice, still works with V.
Gonna try battle later.

Hi, do you have “Show Tips” turned on in Options → Game? If that option is turned off then marks won’t show up.

I see others marks, but I can’t mark. Tried Jap and that worked, but not my US/German’s. It’s so weird, I’m so flustered as that’s all I play now.

It’s just my main countries that it fails.

I played USA yesterday, marking with V still works fine.

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So I found it in the interface, removed it and replaced it. If this doesn’t work I’m F’d. Will post whether it works or not.

Nope I’m fubar as well as my teams, no one marks anymore.

Perhaps you broke your V key by hitting it too hard :laughing:
This battle was yesterday, 5 marks in one small screen, all works fine.
I dont know why it wouldnt work for you, unless you turned something off.


The fact that marks count as “tips” seems like a bad design choice … may just be me.

Yup my V still works, still not working in my US/Ger but works in USSR/Jap… I clearly broke the game.

@ [Count__Smarald Your right it should be like War Thunder’s spotting.

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Correction it worked 1 game, skipped 2 worked again. Yup, my game is fubar. If sending a support ticket wasn’t such a pain… I’m an experienced Alpha-tester, I’ve alpha’d WT, WoT, WoWp, WoWS, Guild Wars, thousands of failed Steam start up’s. I only skipped this due to loving WT too much. Even did Gaigin’s space game. This is thee worst bug reporting game system, and I know it’s cause they get millions of reports a day, Trust me I know.