So maybe having 10 BRs isn't that bad of an idea after all

you can easily lack players in certain MM tier at any given moment, so it is better to have less. 3MM tiers would be better solution compared to current 2MM or compared to 4MM. and i am not certain game could support 4 MM tiers cause you would get 16 nation queues and 12 match queues( or 11 if we remove japan 4-5 tier)

why are you so upset about queues? this is not about queues at all.

even by your own logic, you would be queued into two of those queues resulting in effectively half the queues that you are mentioning.

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cause number of queues directly correlates with number of human players inside the match.

it doesnt work that way. you would be basically reserving spot inside 3 matches with 1 player and you would f*ck up other 2 matches when 1 match took half the players inside those matches. when match queue is created it is on timer to create match in n minutes. what do you think will happen when you take half the players from other 2 queues? you will end up with bots which is against one of the goals of the merge.

you know what? lets leave it at “you disagree with me”, because quite frankly I am not seeing you understanding what I am saying.

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thats kinda the fun of enliested tough, the amount of guns oyu can collect and use, its the thing that keeps me playing atleast

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Yes and no. I think if they put heftier penalties on desertion, there wouldn’t be a problem. The only reason there is such a division right now is because so many people quit out of games. It keeps opening new games to accomodate the players but when they leave that one keeps going and fills with others while they go off and start more.

INSTEAD of staying in the game and allowing players to filter into that game, at the end of which, often times those same players will get back in together again!

it wouldnt help. people would either still desert or they would just quit the game. penalties on unfun matches are bad for the game. why do you think people desert?

  1. map/mode is terrible. e.g. train, assault → fixed by giving map choice (or at least map vote option)
  2. one sided games cause they are either frustrating or boring. and there is absolutely nothing you can do about this. to fix this you would need crossplay off for pc players and then equipment balance and SBMM which would ultimately give you single player lobbies. and ban stacks or have separate MM for them.

yes, 10 was much better.
inb4 someones claims " but muh too many queues " → BR and queues are not correlated, you can cluster together as many BRs as you want in one queue, so additional BRs dont have downsides in that regard, only upsides.

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its a waste of time, the forum trolls here fail at literally basic math and can not grasp a single nuanced thought. holding 2 different proposals together, analyzing both and coming up with an objective conclusion? aint gonna happen, instead only emotional incontinence.
thats why i stopped posting even moderately advanced ideas here, simply not worth it when monkeys get offended by people not being low iq as them.

weve seen that from the past months being wasted with df listening to nonsense ideas (map based mm), implementing them and then having to spend more weeks to remove them …all because df thinks forum trolls who are here 24/7 and make 2000 posts per month are representative of the average enlisted customer.

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Ach, Parapleb.
why do you keep coming here? You dont like us, most people here dont like you or care. You dont want to come, and most people here dont want you to come or dont care.
But you still have to come back. Is your YT channel not enough?

If you have 10 BRs, but have like 1-4, 6-10 and 5 as a middle/ the 3/ 2+1 queues, you will still end up with a pretty similar situation as of right now with 5 tiers, br whatever. So whats the points of 10 BR, tiers whatever if you end up having same queue structure anyways?
Its just inflation, queues (what actually matters) does not change if you keep with 3/ 2+1 depending on pool. Tier can also be 100 and with 3/ 2+1, you will end up in same situation as of right now but just with everything being more bloated on the UI.
You can also make single queues for each br but you would end up with like five or even ten queues.

So basically like current system but just inflated.
Embrace inflation.

And yet you still come back everytime for everyones dissapointment.

1-4 of 10 is totally different than 1-2 with same numbe of queues, its like 1/2 or sth. like that.

And who is better to judge than Parableb himself?

Not like your past ideas were on Harvard level.

I dont remember many people liking or even suggesting it but I guess the same guys who does not go much to the forum knows more about the forum I guess.
I think the devs at first also said that they didnt want to go with numbers but for that you need to be in the forum I guess.

And who is it?
Your 2k subs? McDonalds discord? Preddit? Enlisted Facebook?
Always weird that its not possible to find the secret silent majority but people keep mentioning them.

They generate about as many posts per month as you generated subs since your accounts creation.

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of course they are related unless you have fixed queues such as 1-5, 6-10 or 1-3, 4-7, 8-10. when you have relative ± queues you get loads of queues that must be running at all times and number of them is MAX BR - BR SPREAD.

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Bad idea. 5 tiers are enough.

BRs 1-2-3 / 3-4-5 now.

BRs 1-2-3 / 2-3-4 / 3-4-5 in the future.

i would just expand to 6 tiers and make it 1-2, 3-4 and 5-6. t2 facing t4 can be shitty experience for t2.

if you need just high low MM you can have 1-2-3, 4-5-6 without 3rd tier being stuck in limbo

Agree, but 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 does not force the player to grind for a new levels.

With 1-2-3 / 2-3-4 / 3-4-5 a player will always have a chance to meet stronger opponents.

What I mean is that a player has no incentive to grind new levels, he can end at BR 2 and play 1-2.

and that is ok. current proposed grind is shit anyways.

every new player who stays in low BR will automatically get EXP for the whole nation tree. they will unlock the higher levels without even having to play them; which is a great & player friendly feature.

Still nasty. Prefer

1-2/ 2-3/3-4/4-5


1-2/ 3-4/ 5-6



10 BR is completely ridiculous and naive idea at this point.

If we currently have 3 BR spread queues with only 5 BRs overall. 10 BRs would meant 1-5 BR spread per queue.

It wouldn’t solve literally anything and it doesn’t make any sense.
They could just easily make every BR into its own queue if they want to.

I just hope the developers ignore such pseudo ideas like this.

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