So I need tip regarding melee

So uh since I’m dumb I’m gonna go jap and charge everyone I see like a true soldier of the empire unless someone can offer me a better solution

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You can use semis as they often down ppl so you can finish them off in melee. Ideally take semi with a bayonet so you can also charge.


Binoculars are best melee weapon. Here you go.


Would be nice if that and hammer can do melee tbh would be funny

I’ve already killed someone with binos. I don’t know how, but it was in killfeed.

Sadly I wasn’t fast enough to make screenshot.


No way man I’m gonna try that in practice before going to real match

Also I need a bow so I can become mad jack when I play Allie (might make a suggestion actually could be funny)

There is no better solution than the already best solution you noted.

Real Japanese experience is at low br, with swords, bayonets, stick mines, and braindead flag plane attacks!

Do it!

(Forget about high br. It is a silly place.)


I took the bayonets off my guns and since I never think about switching to the Axe melee weapons I own in the spur of the battle moment, I just hit people with the butt of the gun and as unlikely as that should be, that seems to kill them. :smile:

But why? Japan :heart: blades…

At low br, charging is about all I did :laughing:

The showel


Technically the shovel might have bladed sides, so it counts!

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talking about shovel made me think about that japanese spider hole in cod waw (maybe that could be a new thing for enlisted hmm)

Go for the maximum mobility build.

Best soldier class for this tactic:

  • Rifleman II ( +5.3% sprint speed )

Base perks:

  • +50% speed for changing pose

  • +15% sprint speed

  • +100% stamina regeneration speed

  • +100% stamina

  • +100% melee damage, +20% attack speed

Item requirement:

  • Any weapon that allow you to charge
  • Flask

These perks and items allow your soldier to run for a very long time.


oh definitely gonna build a “mad jack” using this (if there is a radiomen 2 that is a brit that is, since i havent check)

manage to get 17 melees kill in a br5 US match pog

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What about Camelot???

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Somebody got my reference!!! :smile:

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Unfortunately this is a bug imho, present since this was posted in the Rzhev update:

“The kill log now displays icons for different types of melee weapons (axes, shovels, etc.). (will be available in future updates)

I tested melee kill with bino, doesnt work.
After that, I saw somebody melee kill with a Sten but the killfeed said melee kill with TNT charge!
Since melee kill with TNT charge is just as impossible as with bino, there must be some mistake here.


Seem like a cool mistake imo

Proof: :sweat_smile:

This is admiral starks performing a melee kill with a Sten but the killfeed says TNT melee kill


I have made a bug report: Community Bug Reporting System

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