Gotta admit I like the suggestion of radio team + sniper
Might work with mortar team + sniper as well
Gotta admit I like the suggestion of radio team + sniper
Might work with mortar team + sniper as well
for sniper team, order your squadmates to stand somehwere furhter from you, preferably in a hidden spot.
i don’t understand what you mean with “give sniper more space on the map”, do you mean adding more sniping spot? because that highly dependant on the map you play. most map IMO are balanced well enough for sniping though.
an extra tip that should be obvious, as a sniper, don’t just kill enemy, spot enemy fortification, mark the area where there’s enemy, mark enemy tank, etc. don’t be a selfish dumbass sniper who just camp, kill one enemy every other minute, and then do nothing else. always be doing something beside camping and staring at walls. if the enemy retreat because of you, that’s great, mark that area and hope that your team mates advance there, or shoot in that general direction.
in other words, a sniper is basically the one who (should) have the best sight in the team, use that to hopefully help your team mates in more than just “haha, i camp and wait for enemy staying still in open space”.
90% of the console players I come across with,so annoying to counter.