
I don’t understand why the sniper has to drag the rest of the team behind him. I want to hide and my standing team always betrays me. I would like more opportunity to move away from the team. They always kill the whole herd when I leave it somewhere so I can shoot unobstructed as a sniper, so I don’t even count them and only play one character. I would also like more points for a long range sniper kill. It would also be good to give the snipers more space on the map, I’m stopped by a barrier that I can’t cross and in fact it limits the snipers a lot and I often have to give up an advantageous position, just because the sharp ones retreat.

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Go play lone fighter then


you just admitted that you’re completely useless for your team.


Press X, send bots to cap point, problem solved AND team effort improved.

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What a welcoming community we have here.


We are welcoming we just hate snipers



  1. Those senior players hardly play sniper because camp behind can’t help the cap.
  2. Send command to your team to make them stay in another room and you can assign them in dense queue. Use “K” to assign them separately can make a stonger command and AI would not run away.
  3. When you lie down, AI would get lower, too. Also, try to move after a few shots so enemy won’t find you easily.
    Always keep an eye on your AI, if they get killed one by one, get ready for CQB.

As much as possible you shouldn’t sit back and snipe, it’s not as effecient as being on the objective or being in the front lines

Players are already not usually playing the objective, and unfortunately this comes with the cost of having less players to rely on

Please don’t ever be selfish, or if you ever find yourself being one so, reconsider getting help as soon as possible


Finally somebody with +20 IQ.
Not trashing somebody isn’t that hard.


While a lot of players hate when people use snipers (as only 15-20% of sniper players are actually useful), you can still help your team in very useful ways.

As far as troops standing around, you can order them to hold a position, getting them to stand still a short distance away from you.

That said, my recommendation for you is to actually use a radio operator squad with a sniper and engineer in it. Find a good vantage point where you can see what is going on at both sides.

  • Mark high-value targets like tanks, potential rally point locations, troop routes, fortifications, etc.

  • Use artillery to help clean out large groups when you see them, so you don’t just have to pass the information on to the next guy and hope he does it in time.

  • If you see an area that the enemy is decimating your team, call in a line of smoke artillery.

  • Use your sniper to eliminate other snipers, (H)MG nests, AA and Field gun crew, flamethrowers, AT guys.

  • If you manage to do all of these and take little to no losses, that simply means your teammates have more tickets to use themselves plus have support that can definitely change the game in your favor.

My buddy plays as sniper/ radio operator role exclusively too. He may not have the highest score everytime, but there is definitely a SIGNIFICANT difference when he is playing.
Just make sure you don’t get sniper tunnel vision, and only try to get kills. That is actually how you hurt your team when playing as a sniper.

SIDE NOTE: Snipers are not the only long range support option. I suggest building up your engineer squad and making use of field guns and AAs. You can help to provide very needed artillery support and still have a nearby AA to help clear the skies.


Brother in Christ why

The diffrenece is everyone else in game is having less fun

make your squad as small as possible, if you’re outside use a shovel to dig a hole and order the bots to stay in it

Why TF are you giving him an advices to be more useless and more annoying?

Did you ever heard about sniper in radio operator squad?

useless you say xd

Now do that in full 10v10 marshall game, instead of bot/desertion farming simulator and show us amazing score at the bottom of scoreboard

I’ll never believe that you get that kills using artillery and sniper rifles only.

because you are terrible sniper?
(to be precise, I used two radio squads in this mach, one I lost in cqb)