Sniper Kar98k nad Pre-war Kar98k problem

Yesterday I unlocked Pre-war Kar98k with scope and noticed strange thing: gun, that requires 180 000 exp is actually weaker than starter sniper rifle. Just look at the damage decrease on longer distances - something that is important in sniper playstyle. I suggest to lower it’s damage reduction to match starter Kar98k or replace it with sniper version of G41 (just like russian SVT).
It is dissapointing to unlock something that costed so many time just to realize you won’t use it anyway. It is worse than starter rifle and offers no alternative experience like semi-auto rifles.


It’s not objectively worse than the starter rifle as it at least deals 14 damage.
But yeah the falloff is trash on it.
At least the firerate is decent.

Sorry, I meant starter sniper rifle, which is Kar98k with scope


Ah, yes.
Then it is pretty bad, yeah xD


I wouldn’t be surprised if this was unintentional, you should maybe push it as a bug report. Unless for some silly reason they thought that the increased fire rate would totally make up for the spastic drop off.

Okay, now I am sure, that it is unfinished weapon tossed in probably to just fill the progresion. It has upgrades, but there is no option in sniper squad to get lower cost or more parts from dissasembling the rifle. So it is even more pointless, because you can get max. 13 parts from one rifle (38 needed for firms upgrade) (Soviet side has those upgrades for SVT)

As you said, Germany deserves Scoped G41.

Semi-related question:
Has anyone actually seen an SVT get used in game?

Mortars and lever actions aren’t unheard of on the Russian side so high-level Russia mains do exist, but I’ve never seen an SVT, Russian flamethrower, or mosin grenade thrower in the kill feed.

I have seen one SVT long time ago, and some grenade launchers too.
And one flamethrower guy today, but those are rare on both sides.

Prefer the sniper mosin since it can actually kill with one round to the chest.

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The Madsen is my new favorite semi auto sniper

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Glad we have a use for the Madsen now lmao

Certainly seen Soviet flamethrowers several times.

on hte matter of rifle damage and fall off with rage - I REALLY HATE artificial/arbitrary differences being created to give some “progression” that didn’t exist.

differences should be based on physics - here should be ZERO damage difference between a rifle with iron sights and the same rifle wither a sniper scope. There should be when there are different barrel lengths - which would be evident from different muzzle velocities… but that’s about all.

IMO :slight_smile:


Balance does need to be taken into consideration of course.
For scopes you’re absolutely right, but when we’re talking semi-auto vs bolt actions, bolt actions wouldn’t survive physics-based damage.

The only advantages of bolt actions are cost, reliability, weight, and stopping unnecessary mag dumps. 2 of the 4 won’t be in game and 1 is irrelevant in game as we see already.
As irl semi automatics still won out against those advantages, I see them making bolt actions irrelevant all around in game.

Which is why I want to see gun upgrades and perks removed. They weren’t a thing IRL.
I could only accept field modifications to guns, like a shortened barrel, which would trade weight for accuracy, for example. But those would be purely sidegrades, and equipment, like a heavier backpack that could carry more grenades/ammo at the cost of weight.

I don’t mind upgrades - barrels and bolts do wear out, fittings do become loose - so if you start with the premise that your weapon is an oldie that’s been sitting in the armory unwanted for 20 years since the last war then a bit of maintenance could certainly improve its performance in some respects! :slight_smile:

And perks = skill… don’t mind those ones either.

So I think there’s plenty of scope for perks and upgrades to reflect real life - but not all of them do = a new barrel shouldn’t give more damage on target for example - but it would definitely give less angular dispersion.

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But why the fuck do we have to sacrifice 100 guns to the snail god to tighten a bunch of fittings, lmfao.


How does skill increase the ammount of bullets someone can survive? Especially with an 100% identical body (as the 3d models are not different)?

Could change that into a field modified longer barrel, adding weight but slightly improving accuracy, damage falloff over range and velocity. No need to magically do more damage.

You take 100 old worn guns to find 1 that doesn’t have a badly worn barrel - I got no problem with that.

Also I was specifically proposing perks that DO reflect skills - clearly a perk to take more damage doesn’t, so I’m not proposing that at all - please don’t make stuff up.

And you do not “field modify a longer barrel” - machining barrels is a precision operation that requires considerable effort - you can’t just weld a lump onto the end of a Barrel and drill a hole in it to make it longer!!!

Fitting a modification kit that has pre-made parts such as a longer barrel would be feasible.


I have to say this:

Semi auto G41 might not be a good gun:

  1. ZF-41 is the worst scope of ww2 and is positioned on the odd place making it harder to aim

  2. Damage per shot will still be bad. When sniping, M91/30 is still much better than the SVT.
    I only use SVT (with removed scope) for med range.

yes, svt are used in game. but quite ineffective because you still need from 2 to 3 shoot to kill someone. crazy recoil, and not many ammo.the lovely rng system screwed me over as 4 stars snipers ( i have 3 of them ) not a single one with ammo perk. so…

not to mention, unless you are on monastery, you will end up ending your ammo quite quickly without getting many kills.