this is BS. so you are telling me that SMLE is 2 BR tiers better than springfield USMC? for what exactly? 5 more bullets in BA rifle? tell me how many situations do you actually encounter where you cant take cover for quick reload? or how is enfield 1 BR better than springfield USMC with 1 more bullet, while having much worse reload time.
I like the enemies with lever rifles
Because most of the time the only threat is a bayonet
I just need to grab a submachine gun or semi-automatic and rush in
At least 3 can be sent away
Then run and jump until the ammo is reloaded and continue killing
I really want to run a full British early war army with Sten, Bren, Universal Carrier, Hurricane/Spitfire and Crusader but equipping any SMLE / Lee Enfield bolt action rifle immediately sends me to BR5 hell with KTH and STG.
I don’t care if they nerf SMLE to the ground I just want it on BR1-2.
This is exactly not only our problem, I actually hear this argument quite often, I got a mate that specifically wants to play as the Brits and refuses to not play with Enfields - but that means he’s got to face FG42, STG and such while also rarely playing Tunisia.