SMLE should be BR2 and the Enfield should stay BR3 - so that you can play early war maps or late war maps as full British squads

this makes a lot of sense if you think about it, historically speaking, the SMLE was used in Tunisia, while the Lee Enfield was mostly used in Europe.

It kinda sucks right now that the only way to play as “historical accurate” British squads is in +BR3 battles.


tbh all bolties should not be past BR2 even if they have more bullets.


its not just bullets but reload time and rate of fire is a combination of these 3 mag,reload and fire rate so yeah theyre both fine as br3

this is BS. so you are telling me that SMLE is 2 BR tiers better than springfield USMC? for what exactly? 5 more bullets in BA rifle? tell me how many situations do you actually encounter where you cant take cover for quick reload? or how is enfield 1 BR better than springfield USMC with 1 more bullet, while having much worse reload time.


I dont know how many people have this rifle but I find it funny the Gewher 98 wartime mod has a 25 round magazine but is br2 (where it belongs)


it still bothers me quite a lot that the devs still haven’t really touched BR placements despite them being so much in dire need of it.

I like the enemies with lever rifles
Because most of the time the only threat is a bayonet

I just need to grab a submachine gun or semi-automatic and rush in
At least 3 can be sent away
Then run and jump until the ammo is reloaded and continue killing

SMLE has a very poor firerate, and the Lee Enfield is just above average.

10 rounds are nice, but in no way makes them worth BR3, when the performance difference between them and any other bolt action is very very similar.

not to mention availability of good SA rifles on BR3 with similar bullet count making them superior option to BA.

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I really want to run a full British early war army with Sten, Bren, Universal Carrier, Hurricane/Spitfire and Crusader but equipping any SMLE / Lee Enfield bolt action rifle immediately sends me to BR5 hell with KTH and STG.

I don’t care if they nerf SMLE to the ground I just want it on BR1-2.


This is exactly not only our problem, I actually hear this argument quite often, I got a mate that specifically wants to play as the Brits and refuses to not play with Enfields - but that means he’s got to face FG42, STG and such while also rarely playing Tunisia.

He’s kinda pissed about this.

Lee-Enfield might be one of the finest bolt-action rifle, but its still not strong enough for BR3, SMLE should be BR2.

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80% of all bolties perform nearly the same, the few that perform noticeably better are still only bolt action rifles in the end.

Honestly the only bolties that deserve to be in BR2 are those that have big mags, faster cycling rate or faster reload speed.

Enfields seem to fit this criteria just barely.