Small suggestion regarding stug crew customization

Currently german tank crews have pink/red outliners, indicating they are from the tank branch of the army.

But historically, stugs weren’t under the tank branch but under the artillery branch that had green outliners on their uniforms.
So imo it would be cool if equipping a stug would automatically change the color on the uniforms from pink/red to green. Imo it’s too minor change to make it into a whole new uniform to buy.



if we would start considering X, then people would bring up Y.

because many units had their own color.

pretty much majority of the USSR and german army.

therefore, i think it would be apropriated to:

or, would be cool to have a system where depending the squad type, the collar tabs will be colored automatically.

which would be great to recognize your ally what type of squad they have too.

but that would be like… asking too much for enlisted standards.

To be precise, this suggestion is even something more than that
It’s not only about unique outfit for specific squad. But this specific version of outfit would be available only if you pick certain vehicle type.

Since the same squad can use normal tanks as well.

So yes, it sounds very complex for current customization.
But we can still hope for customization overhaul in future.

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truee :skull:

there goes our chances…

so… yeah

it is!

( either that… or none. )

Except you are talking about the whole uniforms. I want devs to literalry change 3 RGB values on the existing model.
It’s so minor thing that we literalry make the world worse by wasting resources discussing this.

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it would require to create new textures for each uniforms, it’s own texture N* & AO.

not to mention, as Adamn mentioned, the base squad uses normal tanks too.

so… you’d be better off by asking entire new uniforms.

Then make new uniforms only with different color and automaticaly swap uniforms when I equip the stug.


you know it doesn’t work that way.

conditions don’t exist in enlisted on clothings outside of campaigns.

so… good luck buying 4 times the same uniform for all campaigns. but that’s beside the point.

as much i would love too each units having correct collar tabs indipendently, that’s not gonna happen.

our best chances are through entire new uniforms of each that just like now, we would have to buy separately.

because they are not gonna start with just exceptions i’m afraid.

Well, shit
I thought this may be the case but I hoped it’s not.

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i’m wrong.

because medics to have some sort of conditions when it comes to their own uniform.

or how snipers have specific white pants outside other counterpart…

but i’m not sure they would give one just for the stug… that can hold normal tanks…

harder to specify.

They could at least change/fix outfit for premium stug A/G which you could buy right after.

Or you can pray for event stug G with coax and its own squad and correct uniform.

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i am not too sure if the stug would be apart of the panzer regiment since i assume if it is arty it would operationally be in its own section. assuming the later statement is the case then it would still make sense for 2 of the stug squads to be in red since they are all panzer regiments with the most likely to have green is the Stug3G for that is marked as a battalion as oppose to a regiment

well, i’m not opposed to let them wear green tabs.

as after all, some regiments did had green thingies over they shoulder,

i’m not just sure how devs would handle that.

because as said, would be great to change collars based on their actual squad,

but since that’s not gonna happen,

i guess uniforms are the most optimal choice we have.

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You can have arty batalions in tank regiments so I don’t get your point.

like i said i am not sure what its composition of a panzer regiment with a quick google search showing that it goes straight into companies after the regiment but again i am not too sure

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