Can regular soldiers have the perk the tankers get for repairing their vehicles faster And if we actually got our hands on it it’ll make field repairs in the middle of battle a little bit easier.
Who will even repair your tank or waste yellow or green points perk for that shit as infantry ?
Players who came from battlefield or Halo or Minecraft or TF2 where the concept of teamwork is a thing unlike Call of Duty or rainbow 6 siege.
You’re talking about teamplay on a game where you can’t even play together in a vehicle like battlefield
i normally repair other people tanks ( even though, i must admit. it’s somewhat rare. because the engy is always the guy who dies in my squad )
but beside that, i have seen others repair my tanks, or other tanks.
it’s… just… very rare as well.
although, i don’t like the premise of op’s suggestion.
just not a fan.
i mean, if they made it slow in the first place, there must have been a reason, which is fine by me.
It’s about keeping armor in the battlefield and not losing a tank instantly unless you want tank corpses all over the battlefield.
the problem is that this game is not team work friendly, doesn’t have even voice comms, is completely different than games like squad or hell let loose
Then I will need only one more thing to complete my panzergrenadier squad. This thing is… SdKfz251.
Or 250, I’m not picky.
I personally have an engineer who has medkit and toolbox, and I help my fellow tanks, but I understand that it’s less than normal for others doing it. I understand both sides of the argument but I would like to be able to have a free slot for toolbox and medkit for engineers that doesn’t take up a backpack slot. I believe that would resolve team play goals and player interaction.
( even though… it will probably come next year. unless they release it with the merge. but i find that unlikely. … and admitting that those will be halftracks in the first place, and not something else. )
you have no idea…
i have been “working” so hard during the year to make my HA motorized infantry loadout ( panzergrenadiers, bikes, engy battalion etc ) , it is truly something else, but they miss riding with style
I wish sis.
And since I spam pictures anyway, moar tank-infantry action!!!
And then my friends ask me why I don’t have disk space
(I must return to my old habit/hobby of searching and downloading this stuff.)
I would love halftracks and armored cars! Would be great to see them added in. American half track with m2 browning HMG and a German half track with mg42 mounded on top, with both acting as a mobile spawn beacon that can allow squads to spawn when the vehicle has been parked and stopped by the owner of that squad vehicle.
i did made my own mechanized/motorized truck throgh mods
and a working weaponized halftrack:
( ugh… ignore the green truck, i use that for my greenscreens )
( with working side panzerfaust, working weapons decorations that can be used for self defense from the crew, and what not )
though… yeah… only through mods…
which no one can play because custom matches are next to untouched and does not allow to lock teams for pves ( which i originally had in mind and created )
so… many issues, for another topics… that makes me sad… and don’t want to talk about it…
but yeah. if a lunatic like me can do working stuff ( through lots of time, and blood… because it wasn’t easy at all figure out how to remove weapons, hide objects, attach others, etc ) , i’m sure everyone else can.
( especially devs… just sayin )
I tried to do something in mods but I’m allergic to bad UI. I can’t understand a thing there.
(+other more technical stuff but I won’t rant about it here)
this game can always use modders ( since… the modding community is kinda shrinked and… stagnated )
( although… i must admit, there’s only so much that people can do due to lack of improvements and heaby limitations upon it… but you know )
if you need some help, Devender, Tommy, Bazi and few others will always be willing to land a hand
I think maybe half tracks could act as mobile rally points that you can spawn on them even under combat. However there are tons of different half track variants with different weaponry and I don’t know whether they’d make every half track have the rally point function or have the ones with more firepower just act as regular tank slots. Not to mention we already have armored cars like the Greyhound and Puma
I think the best way to test this is to add the basic half track/ armored vehicles as a new squad type and see how the mechanic works in game
Much like what I said, yes, that would be 100% enjoyable as an addition in time!
I’ve started equipping toolkits to my riflemen squads. I fit a lot of them with backpacks anyways and give them perks like +75% medkit use speed, +200% medkit heal, and greater chance of getting downed instead of killed.
They are my go to meat grinder units, capable of keeping bodies on point for longer. As well as packing a Grenade launcher and AP mine each (the engineers of the squad get shotguns).
So I have no problem equipping a toolkit to each and I’ve ALREADY seen it be useful.
I was pushing up with a friendly tank (Pacific Allies, he was using the Flamethrower Stuart tank) he took a hit that broke his track and a hit that damaged his engines. He took care of the tank that hit him, but didn’t even need to get out of his tank to repair.
By the time he dealt with that other tank, my crew had already got him back to full working order.
I for one actually really like the new system!
My only suggestion for it is you should be able to give a squad order on a friendly tank and if your soldiers have toolkits, they will run over and fix whatever is damaged.
its in the game files but i dont think we will see it any time soon