Since people who are against HA related changes, why can’t we add this in customs?

well not really.

my point was that, unironically, custom should be a priority so it can give more space and air for all sort of stuff to keep the playerbase interested in the game. but that’s a my opinion.

as it goes,
fixes shouldn’t come over custom games fixes as both are part of the game.
or the other way around for that matter.

so it’s dishonest at best

especially if we consider this statement, and the history of enlisted.
i’m just saying.

Also one of GENx’s main complaints was that factions are very unbalanced in terms of the players that play them. Well you know what is the best and simplest way to solve that? Fully mixed matchmaking with no specific nation vs nation matchups, which would reduce HA even further. Not that I want that to happen ofc. That would be quite unnecessary.

Increasing HA would obviously lead to even more factional imbalances, not less.

gaijin has around 200 employees.

so, i guess half of these are for enlisted, war thunder, and crsed, the others splitted for the various mobile, star conflict and… whatever else they have i presume

( which yes, not all of these 200 are developers. but some of them are influencers, marketing team, artist etc )

Gaijin as a developer is only responsible for WT itself afaik… All the others games are from other studios and only published by Gaijin.

well i never claimed otherwise.

that’s fine.

i never asked the game for it to be HA for that matter,
( well i did, at the begginning when it was salvagable. which it turned out that it wasn’t. )

so, since i realized that, i kept asking for better custom games.
more HA to it.

which they did listen at first, but… failed to deliver on much more needed fixes and equipment selector that we asked for, which were, once again confirmed, but never delivered.

so, i’m not gonna take the employeezies exscuse that kindly.

especially when priorities have been apparently for flame tanks that litro no one uses, and many other questionable premium units.

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Well I’m not against customs fixes ofc. Just saying there are priorities, which you may not agree about.

well, no one knows what priorities are anymore.

for how much back and forth we can go, i’m just saying, customs fixed are long overdue.
yet we didn’t got literally anything beside more problems to it with the merge.

i shit you not, last update fucked up prentively most mods without any slighty prentive warning.

especially considering the possibilities and importance of customs.

if you get burned with the main game, you can try something else without having to go elsewhere.
players retainability.

yet you are forced to go elsewhere because mods are in a bare bone state.

I rather beliebe that they have 200 devs than even one single marketing dude or influencer for Enlisted.

(Not that DF’s current priorities are fine. Hell we don’t even know what their priorities are due to no communication whatsoever.)

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well, unfortunately that’s not true.

marketing team is unfortunately the one with biggest impact.

they are the ones who decides what gets implemented as they based around " visions " of how much beneficial such introduction can be for the title. and above how, how many money would such move bring.

marketing team is not just " funny individuals that makes video " like i used to believe as well.

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Yeah. And Enlisted marketing is a joke since OBT release in 2021. Maybe no budget.

as it goes for advertisement,

they did trailers.

but… well, i presume they are the same ones of the site.

remember? the ones that advertised this game as historical accurate?

yeah well, if that was the trajectory, i’m sort of glad they stopped doing that.
but then again… just with the second eppisode of explaining the br didn’t really helped.

from what i heard, mcdonald guy is going to be some sort of the next gen youtubers for advertisement etc.

hey, he is going to germany too as far as i heard so…

i’m… not sure how that is gonna play. or rather, how it will move from that.




Yeah, 450 people = 120 xD

Both helldivers and squad are less complex games, but it’s still very admirable what they managed to achieve.

Anyway, it’s clearly to me you have no overview over gaming industry. All you see are numbers and a totally falling to understand context.

But whatever, this discussion is not very important, since it’s based on “Chinese leakers shared” source.

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sure means alot from someone who can’t basically understand the difference from a small from medium company :woman_shrugging:

I’ve heard that up to here

So what im getting out of this is the dev team is not small but what makes it hard to fufill such request as the post is that the dev team splits it into smaller fractions that work on this, and other games as war thunder?

says indie right there.
Feel free to provide better revenue statistics.

also your own link

The category of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is made up of enterprises which employ fewer than 250 persons and which have an annual turnover not exceeding EUR 50 million, and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding EUR 43 million.

Within the SME category, a small enterprise is defined as an enterprise which employs fewer than 50 persons and whose annual turnover and/or annual balance sheet total does not exceed EUR 10 million.

For some odd reason that less than 10m sounds more suitable.

120 devs or 120 employees? cause that 120 could easily be split with community managers, finance, marketing, HR, web etc.

or 119 customer service people outsourced to India.