Simple solution to greyzoning tanks

when a tank is in a greyzone, they simply dont get score for anything, be it killing infantry, destroying engineer sturcteds, killing tanks, etc.

thus, the tank will move closer to the point, still being safe, and now is actually fair for the enemy team since they can now actually kill the tanks with their infantry and at gunners!


Thanks to the power of friendship? Most tanks won’t last 3min outside of the greyzone.


Bad idea :-1:


thats a lie, ever heard of being 100 meters from the point? 120 meters?, still not in the greyzone, yet still safe, so stop obv lying, tanks can be far away from the point while still not being in the greyzone

than give a better solution pls, one that doesnt nerf the tanker class, one that doesnt give such side effects, one that gives a permnament solution to greyzoning tanks

On many maps grey zone starts 50-60m away from the objective. So depending on what map you’ve played, you might have been in the greyzone.
Also you’ve might have been jus lucky and face new players that don’t know how to handle tanks. Veterans can locate and destroy tanks in under 5min if they can reach it.


Solution = plane / mortar / another tank


As well as theres quite many maps where the best spot for tank to support hes team happens to be in greyzone.
In map like that you would technically make the tank useless.

Dont have one nor im not offering one. Your suggestion just makes things worse.

greyzone doesnt start from 50-60 meters, that way too extreme, and thats not how greyzone works, greyzone starts from 140-150 meters, not 50-60 meters

that is a temporary solution, not a permnament one

no, it still makes the tank very useful, just not have any score at all for those stuff

sure it does and for that exact reason we constantly see tanks zergin to near cap points to be super useful.

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It does on some maps. Unless devs changed since I checked it like a year ago.

False :-1:

Because for every grey-zone tank I can deploy a plane.

(planes / mortars / tanks are unlimited)

Just give every team stronger AT guns that can pen BR 5 and use those instead of gutting an entire class.
Or just remove the ultra heavy tanks but that is unlikely.

false, because despitethat, tanks can still greyzone, a pernampent soluyion would make greyzoning be bad, yet this solution just get rids temportrely, is like “here is a “pernamnet” solution to silver gain being bad: use xp boosters!”

is a temp solution, not a pernament solution, unlke ur temp solution, my solution make greyzoning tanks have a penalty for greyzoning which infact, is a solution to greyzoning tanks, since all greyzoning tanks do greyzoning because they want a lot of xp and doing it in a easy and effiecient way

this is not gutting an entire class, this is gutting a class which abuses unfair advantages, aka, balance

mortars cant pen tanks, tanks cant always pen tanks because the greyzoner tanks can be in an area where is unaccesible for the tank to pen the greyzoning tank, planes need skill, and not every match has planes

exept they can…

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Mortars can destroy tanks up to 300 m range.

:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head:

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