Simple QOL, make newly acquired squads appear at the top, rather than at the bottom

today i come with a rather simple suggestion.

one for the UI management team.

and that is, as in the title, make so that the newly acquired squads appear at the top rather than the bottom in the squad list page:

the journey

each photo is 10 scrolls :skull:

why ?

well, for those like me who has more than 40 squads, having to scroll each time at the bottom is an inconvenience.

like, you guys can annoy the hell out of players with " deals " left and right that appears soon rather than after, yet i have to scroll for 10 seconds just to find the new squad that i’ve unlocked which is located for whatever reason at the bottom?

that is all.
thank you.

EDIT: yes, i know you can drag the side bar. and yes, i do know i should probably change my mouse.


Yeah sometime I even forget I unlock a new squad from 1 month ago because it at the bottom

This clutter is part of the reason why I sold my legacy squads, only keeping a 3rd copy for classes that otherwise don’t have a 3rd squad to cycle to, like flamethrowers, mortars and radio squads.

I’ll sign this petition, i’ve spent too much in game time just scrolling swowly through lists.
Btw.i like pixel hunting on enemy soldiers, but not really in the case of reallly skinny scrolling side bars.

Thank you for suggestion, forwarded!