
We can get 10000 silver by disbanding old squad

Teams other than snipers have retention value

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Yeah you can but this is mostly a scam honestly


They should remove this feature, its a scam


Still, no one force you to do it…
And for those who urgently want to clean up the feature are a necessity.

But sure 10k is ridiculously low payback.

No, the game gives clueless fools the option to throw something away, they don’t know yet had value.

Its a scam.

Also nobody forces me to give my credit card number to scammers online - that’s not how scamming works.

If this really should be that big of a problem, the devs could simply implement an option to hide or highlight squads.

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yea apparently some squad even have unique customization that TT squad dont have so yea throwing squad into the bin might make you regret later (kinda like how i didnt know manlicher 1893 i believe was remove but i didnt know so i dont have any somehow)

It depends.
In real life some people just like to throw away things that they will never use.
Plus you can get some sliver instead of nothing.