Silver rates and inflation!

Took about 3-5 matches to earn a Silver Order for Weapon pre merge

Takes about 2-4 matches to earn enough Enlisted Silver to buy a gun

Nothing really changed

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maybe for you



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this is partially true if you gained 25k xp in a game you would get 1 silver for weapon it took me at most 2 game to get it but your experience may differ from me

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Eehh I’m guestimating a rough average for most of the playerbase. Honestly not entire sure what mine specifically was

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at this point, it doesn’t matter man new players gonna struggle with the new economy and the best answer that helpers has is that its cheaper to buy and upgrade one weapon

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Prices didn’t go up all that much, except for soldiers. The real change wasn’t the silver you gain in matches, that was always low, but the silver you gain from battlepass, battlepass used to be the biggest source of silver orders so naturally they should be the biggest source of silver and yet we get meager silver from it.

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The economy is perfect…for Gaijin :roll_eyes:

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And did they even provide a ticket conversion scale for bronze/silver orders = silver? i had over 1100 total bronze/silver orders and was granted 422k silver. I wish I had purchased more items before the change.

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Nailed it on this one. The devs should definitely take note of these issues. Since this directly effects the long term sustainability of this game.

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yup, the silver income is very poor. it could be solved tho, killing two birds with one stone, with a juicy silver bonus for JOIN ANY FACTION AT RANDOM.

they could even go…“well, if you want to earn more silver, go random and reinforce the weaker sides!!! prove your worth and be paid for it!”

this could earn two wins for them:

BALANCE population between factions.

INCREASE silver gain for players.

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They actually did

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Because it kinda IS cheaper. It’s just hard to tell

you are right it is but does that mean that the economy is improved?

Shoot dude I don’t know. I’m just here to enjoy a game. I don’t worry about crap like Silver earning rates. I played several matches last night and I cannot even ballpark how much Silver I got out of them

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Yeah, which is a terrible business model. To squeeze the water from a rock, to squeeze a customer until they “buy” silver is a terrible idea. The percentage of people spending real USD/EU on the game to use/have more silver will decrease the likelihood of extended play. Silver needs to have a good balance in order to retain players. Premium squads and premium time are already at a high asking price. Let alone to be able to play the game freely and own/purchase items. It’s so bad that at a rate of play, the player would have to grind 3x the amount of games in order to hit the halfway point of a purchase price for an item other than equipment. Even then, the silver pay for a solid game is so minimal that the action of purchasing some basic gear for a low tier squad would bankrupt the player.

Yes and no. Overall I would say no, but in theory yes.

It has improved overall as a UI and in upgrading and the base purchase price in comparison to the prices of things prior to the merge. The pay rate for bronze orders and silver orders was comparatively higher prior to the merge.

If they increased the silver pay by at least 90% the issue would be resolved. In the photo I posted, if I was to receive 90% more silver that would be nearly 2,800silver. That would allow me to purchase a mid tier assault weapon, a quality rifle or a couple of pistols for a new/existing squad. Now that I/the player are able to use more weapons and newer equipment, we are incentivized to play another game to use the new equipment we have acquired. If it takes 3-5 games (for a new player) to hit 5,000silver (if they are lucky) then the point of enjoyment is immediately lost because instead of playing a game for enjoyment, it is being played as a grind and nothing can “undo” the pain of a player who no longer looks at a game as being a fun or enjoyable experience and now looks at a game as a grind and a job to play and compete. Especially now since equipment, weapons and vehicles are all tier based, the new/existing player now is no longer able to have a game where they are playing against decent regular players and the couple newer players who are far and few between, who are “easy targets” for a moment in game. The fun of a new player who has low expectations will face the wall of competition and skill based players. These new players will be pushed into the meat grinder head first and grind first, they will be unable to understand the depth of the game and quit after a while. I believe that the tier system is very good, yet serious refinement and advancement is needed. I truly love this game and I wish that new players would feel welcomed as compared to the common remarks of: “it’s a skill issue” , “get good” , “play custom games”.

I also feel that those comments are not incorrect or “bad” in anyway shape or form, yet I do feel that it is not good optics for a game that is already a good game with some late stage teething issues.

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Wow dude, I totally forgot about that. I didn’t think of that when I wrote my original post. Thats very, VERY true.

We definitely need to increase the BP silver rewards.

As well as increase the “daily rewards” silver reward. “Capture one objective for 500 silver” is an absolute bummer. Sometimes that challenge can be; “kill 10 enemies with headshots” for only 300 silver.

Everything needs to be doubled or if anything at least increased by 90%.

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If i remember correctly, might not be though, anyways wasn’t it 1 silver order for 1 basic soldier. I don’t recall it being 3 orders but that is the equivalent in silver now, 3000. Some weapons are now 3000 silver as well.

Yeah soldiers are more expensive

Low-mid tier weapons though? Easily either the same or cheaper. High tier gets a bit iffy, for me it’s probably about the same. For the 2-12 kill a game players oh so much more expensive