Silver rates and inflation!

Hello my fellow Enlisted compatriots and comrades.

I have been playing the game post merge and I find it to be a bit difficult to learn the changes in depth fully. I am optimistic about this merge and I have had many great games recently that have made me truly enjoy the Enlisted experience!

With that being said, the amount of silver granted to a player is relatively low. I have won and lost games and have received nearly the same amount of silver regardless of if your team wins or loses. I understand the losers receive a smaller amount which is understandable. What it NOT understandable is the fact that so little is given in relation to the cost of ALL weapons, vehicles and equipment items. The cost of the items in game are not an issue, the conversion rates for all of the Silver/Bronze orders were converted well, they are all reasonable and fair as per the information that DF released in the news statement prior to the merge.

The issue I have is very simple. We are not given enough silver for the games and matches we play. We are given nothing in comparison to what we used to receive for a single match while receiving the average score of any given game. I have played many games now since the merge has released and I decided to change my perks for two squads because I am able to better train them. I spent so much silver just to remove old perks that I blew through a large fraction of my silver supply.

I would like to ask DF and the team for an increase to our silver payout for winning and losing a game. More silver for more points and more silver bonuses for different awards in game.
I.E getting “tactician” or “best assaulter” etc will yield a bonus of “500silver” per award, that will be bonuses on top of the silver given to the player based on the kills, assists, engineer points, assists, obj. Points, squad losses and finally overall score/points.

I feel that a lot of in game items that are purchased with silver are out of reach for newer players and even veteran players. Either new players are unable to equip the squads they receive through the tech trees, or the vet players who are unable to create a new squad for a new BR. Regardless, the addition of new equipment is too costly.

I hope this issue is addressed because the entire economy of this game is based solely around silver coins and equipment.

Thank you for your time reading my post.:grinning:


You are absolutely on point. I made two similar posts about 1. The fact that we need to purchase each and every weapon and squad in the tech tree to get to our desired unlocks is completely busted. 2. They should not charge us anything for resetting soldier perk points. This is just so lame. I hope the devs make some incremental changes in this regard.


Yes I agree bro, it’s absolutely ABSURD that I have to spend even anything over 100silver to clear the perks currently being used by my soldiers. Then I have to do that for each soldier of each squad that I own because each one of them is now unable to use the rest of the few points left (post merge) and if I have 1 yellow perk point and 2 pink, I need to remove a couple to be able to buy another perk? It doesn’t make any of us players happy. It makes sense if it’s all about making us spend money, but it’s unacceptable to force our hands even though the prior game (before merge) it was free to reset the perks. The reset of the perks before the merge had a caveat; it would reset the soldier level down a level or two or three, depending on how many perks you removed. That mechanism worked well and I believe it should have stayed that way and never should have changed.

The silver in this game is so minimal in comparison to the Silver order cards.
Now we also have to purchase the vehicles and the weapons we don’t want just to move forward to the item we DO want.
I’m close to researching the Tiger II(P), once I unlock it, I have to purchase it. Unfortunately I will not have enough silver to purchase it, so I will not be able to use it. I personally like the idea of having to make players pay silver to purchase all items; weapons, vehicles and equipment. What I dislike is how relatively little silver we receive in comparison to the price we must pay for any/all items.


the simple reason is they want you to buy silver or premium account or premium squad since silver has direct ties to two things gold and xp gold can be bought with real money and you can buy silver with gold or xp, the more xp you gain the more silver you gonna get and xp can be changed through the premium account or premium squad and they want you to buy that thas why they kept the gains same yet they made everything to buy expensive ist scummy business model that war thunder does it too and at this point they wont change it any more or the best answer you gonna get from the helpers are that its cheaper to buy and upgrade a single weapon


Took about 3-5 matches to earn a Silver Order for Weapon pre merge

Takes about 2-4 matches to earn enough Enlisted Silver to buy a gun

Nothing really changed

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maybe for you



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this is partially true if you gained 25k xp in a game you would get 1 silver for weapon it took me at most 2 game to get it but your experience may differ from me

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Eehh I’m guestimating a rough average for most of the playerbase. Honestly not entire sure what mine specifically was

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at this point, it doesn’t matter man new players gonna struggle with the new economy and the best answer that helpers has is that its cheaper to buy and upgrade one weapon

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Prices didn’t go up all that much, except for soldiers. The real change wasn’t the silver you gain in matches, that was always low, but the silver you gain from battlepass, battlepass used to be the biggest source of silver orders so naturally they should be the biggest source of silver and yet we get meager silver from it.

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The economy is perfect…for Gaijin :roll_eyes:

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And did they even provide a ticket conversion scale for bronze/silver orders = silver? i had over 1100 total bronze/silver orders and was granted 422k silver. I wish I had purchased more items before the change.

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Nailed it on this one. The devs should definitely take note of these issues. Since this directly effects the long term sustainability of this game.

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yup, the silver income is very poor. it could be solved tho, killing two birds with one stone, with a juicy silver bonus for JOIN ANY FACTION AT RANDOM.

they could even go…“well, if you want to earn more silver, go random and reinforce the weaker sides!!! prove your worth and be paid for it!”

this could earn two wins for them:

BALANCE population between factions.

INCREASE silver gain for players.

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They actually did

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Because it kinda IS cheaper. It’s just hard to tell

you are right it is but does that mean that the economy is improved?

Shoot dude I don’t know. I’m just here to enjoy a game. I don’t worry about crap like Silver earning rates. I played several matches last night and I cannot even ballpark how much Silver I got out of them

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Yeah, which is a terrible business model. To squeeze the water from a rock, to squeeze a customer until they “buy” silver is a terrible idea. The percentage of people spending real USD/EU on the game to use/have more silver will decrease the likelihood of extended play. Silver needs to have a good balance in order to retain players. Premium squads and premium time are already at a high asking price. Let alone to be able to play the game freely and own/purchase items. It’s so bad that at a rate of play, the player would have to grind 3x the amount of games in order to hit the halfway point of a purchase price for an item other than equipment. Even then, the silver pay for a solid game is so minimal that the action of purchasing some basic gear for a low tier squad would bankrupt the player.