Silver Chest "Rocket Hail"

I guess

Remember the odds of getting stuff we want could be much worse. WT rates:
So i’m glad that market is not there tbh.

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yes I know how chance works, 500.000 is the avarage you would need to spend to get a squad. Yes you can get lucky, but you can also get unlucky and get nothing with 1000000 silver

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Facts! :point_up_2:

I got my first squad in 10 pulls
After that i did 30 more and got nth than boosters and silver

they get only booster

Exactly what I said ffs!

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First time being lucky in Enlisted (daily rewards is my main opponent)

I got charlton squad in 3rd pull
“Wilhelm Krieger” Hero in my 15th pull!

(I do not have a single silver coin left)


man and im here doing 80 box just to get sword and pistol :moyai:

but it a cool pistol (nickel browning)


That one match might already unlock half a TT so that might be overkill if they allow to finish 2 more trees.

people abused VPN to log in as dutch players so they can get dutch super soldiers cause they dont have RNG mechanics due to law. now they are labeled as dutch players and dont have access to gambling mechanics.

Omg, I’m getting excited

Cant wait to play on the weekend

Though I’m still kinda annoyed how you can only complete events every 2 days, Im busy on weekdays but free on weekends and I would like to fully complete an event.

You guys are going to get reported to the EU for adding gambling without a license :skull: :skull: :skull:


what squad?

Me too, seems to be a decent squad for my favorite BR (sadly not my favorite nation tbh).

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If you press ‘‘i am not from the netherlands country’’ it all works the same.

The callsign orders should be removed and added to the customization order pool, I dont think anybody needs hundreds of them.


I would rather ger 1 silver than any callsign or customization orders. Literally couldn’t care less.




Yes. Not buying any boxes for a long while. Perhaps when I have recovered the lost amount I will buy like 2 of these at a time or something from now. That way I will not have buyer’s regret.

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I really don’t like the fact that its a random thing, but at least its cheap. is there a threshold of buys before guarantee?

ie is there X pulls before guaranteed weapon

ie is there X pulls before guaranteed vehicle (if any not owned)

ie is there X pulls before guaranteed squad (if not owned)

If not, it would be greatly appreciated to have one added.