Hello guys, bandaide here, i has vanished for a while doing things in my life. but i have some extra time now. so lets go.
What is exactly a side army? has you know it take some time to deconstruct your army and build another, but a side army is,t exactly just a shortcut, it is a option in the start of each battle.
In the menu before you go into play, you have 2 different army’s, once you select army two you will have all you soldiers and weapons out, and no squads assigned,
You can go back to army one, and load all configurations you already done, and more you can choose between the army one and Army two in the start of each game, however once selected you will fight whit it to the end of the game. So only one army can be active. You can’t switch any more that one time.
so free players will have only one side army, and premium up to four, yes you read right, DEV,s need the milk for the children, also, premium players will still have 6 squads for each side army they have build.
Once you select the side army, all troops and equipment will be automatic unequip. So you don’t need extra gear for a side army. Still you will need more gear for different combination, if in one army you got no snipers, and another only snipers, you still need to acquire the snipers you will use in the other army.
Buy Premium…devs wont make money on it
I think he want make a group selection
Group 1
Rifle 1
Engi 1
Ass 1
Plane 1
Group 2
Machine 1
Engi 2
Flamethrowers 1
Flamethrowers 2
Tanks 2
Tanks 3
You can explain it better
so, in the menu, you select a army, then you make equip it,
but for shortcut reasons, you swith to army two.
Group 2
Machine 1
Engi 2
Flamethrowers 1
Flamethrowers 2
Tanks 2
Tanks 3
but you don,t need to buy extra gear, you just place all SMG in tanks group. for exemple
also, you can select group one or two in the start of each battle.
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Dude you can simply edit the first post and explain it better here,
so, basically customizable presets and easier multiple squads management,
i’m ok with it as i see the beneficts from it, and practicality 
well, forum users sometimes are a bit… lazy when it comes to reading, ( ironic, and sometimes i’m included ) but eventually people will get it, and that’s what matter 
I got it you want custom loadouts for the squad setup we bring into the battle
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I would definity set a Army one for offensive operations. like
1 Gunner squad
2 Assaulter
3 Gunner squad 2
4 Tank
Army 2 and for defensive operations
1 Enginier Squad 1
2 Rifleman 1
3 Rifleman 2
4 Tank
You mean presets like in WarThunder?
I never played war thunder, still if there is something there i sure DEV,s will wont have to much probem to make my sugestion alive.