Enlisted’s number one problem.
Ita hard to solve so DF doesn’t even try…
Which server do you play cuase I played 3 match of allies on eroupe and lost 2 of those maybe change the sever for easier games or try other factions
i play all faction but only american server i,m in australia the lags bad enough europe would be worst through the week every game 1 sided
I mean I have lag problems my ping is between 120 & 150 so if you have ping in that range its playable
Downunder ping is usually 210 or so - and it is still easily playable, winable, and come-first-able.
If the OP is having trouble that’s an issue with the keyboard-to-screen interface.
But hte game illustrated shows a gazillion bots - not an unplayable game.
not saying its unplayable and i always finish top 5 just sick of loaded sides 2 players against full side every game
the match making is shit
welcome to Enlisted
well i blame the HamasWasRight guy he legit always either leave or not doing anything meaningful like what i can see here (saw this guy way too many time just not doing much whole game tbh and always on jap side for some reason)
I assume nicknames like this are okay in Enlisted, but over 80 year old historical symbols are no go.
There’s matchmaking???
been here 3years
Same bro
wehraboos must be managed appropriately or it just becomes “Erwin Rommel Dating Simulator” at best and “Dirglewanger apologenics” at worst.
Win loss ratio of each nation for the past 24 hours:
Soviets lose 10% more matches than Germans?
-playing Soviets grants 10% Silver bonus
Japan is losing 50% more matches than the US?
-playing Japan grants 50% Silver bonus
Germany is losing 300% more matches?
-yes, you heard me right - 300% more Silver
This would fix this issue completely.