-Show us your favorite customized vehicles!-

Hello comrades!

Here i would like to make a place where you can present your own customized vehicles. You can take inspirations for your own customizations here.
Just add a picture or comment on other peoples creation.

What beauties do you own? Let us see :slight_smile:

My - Mig-3 :

My - IS-2 :

My - T-28E :

My - T-34-85E :

What do you think? :slight_smile: Tell your ideas and thoughts in the comments :wink:


3 names for 1 tank seems a bit excessive to me, but to each their own.

The main tank should be “merciless Kliment Voroshilov”

both of the machinegun hulls are named “War Girlfriend” - to make them look like a small support for the main tank :slight_smile: I do not know how i got that idea.

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Love that kind of post. I’ll add some of mines here once I get home :slight_smile:

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im poor


this ones:


those ones :

Well i try to make vehicles as historical I can so all of them are based on real photos.


Its fun to make vehicles based on real life photos, they can make you more kinda into the game


got few:

( unfortunately lost it due to decals being removed )

( not mine, but i decided to recreate it )

and if i dont run with the kv but t34 instead,

next will be the tiger I.

but i’m still 2 levels away from it. so f.


Aint cool as yours but I still like it.

What does the text say by the way?

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" Stalingrad’s response/answer "


Thanks. It was in the 30 bucks pack, wasnt it?

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( more precisely, pre order bonus )

Thanks for the fast response. I appreciate that!

Sorry for the delay, my chrome got bonkers yesterday on only showed white font everywhere… Anyway, here’s some of mine:

I’m Canadian. I laughed and bough that decals in less than 5 seconds…

Less is more, sometimes. I did’nt want to overdo it for this pz4. because of the track armour, there’s not that many flat spots available anyway.

This one I tried to make historical. Sadly it’s the wrong turret model. I will buy the decals again (if) once the Henschel is released to recreate that legendary vehicle.

I’ll post some more as I make them along the way, when I get some inspiration :slight_smile:

@ErikaKalkbrenner the “The Witch” decal is just sublime on your vehicle! It renforce a lot the fact that you are one of the (sadly) few female players in Enlisted, and kick butts. I love it. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


after lots of pain Time

i managed to get zee big kat:

( i still wished for a " lighter gray " … but beggars can’t be choosers… )

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This black one looks even better in my opinion :slight_smile:


My HT. Used the preorder skin and historical location for the number.

My chad KV. First tank which I made pretty. Historical decals etc. and like the camo.

Night Witch plane. Sometimes use it and is fun but useless. Didnt do much expect the music symbol.

It is hard for the Germans because we dont have the Balkenkreuz. Just used the StuG emblem and two 1s for the veteran lines on the cannon (dunno if it is realistic).

Just decal and number. Nothing much. Waiting for plane skins.


Dunno if the squad leader sign is in the right spot. Sole plane with nose art.

Just added Geschwarder decal, victory marks and number on the “feets”. More or less historical but really want a different skin.


A bit hard as we dont have the Army star available.

My P-51. My favorite plane apart from my Moscow Yak and StuKa.

Panzer IV gold order skin. Just added a division decal.

My Bf gold order plane. Just used victory decals. Maybe gonna use eyes for the nose as well.


P-63 for Berlin (yeah judge me for that purchase). Just added a number in the right spot (I hope) and victory decals.

My beloved Jagdpanzer IV. Also gave her (yes its a her!) veteran lines and a number althought its hard to see due to the sandbags.

Still not done as I either dont have the tanks and planes yet I want (Tiger II and Moscow T-34) and or because they are not released yet (Tiger in Africa) and Moscow lacks any customization.

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