Engineers will see an icon when using a hammer.
Different from other classes Only the ammo box and medicine box were visible.
They need to show icons on the map for every classes.
What icons do they need to display on the map?:

Reason for displaying icons: It can help teammates and your squad know location and use it
Why is Czech hedgehog display?: It saves your vehicle and teammates from wasting too much time moving vehicles from your build and teammates.
Why is rally point display?: It helps to know that have build rally point. Help protect from vehicles, your teammates and myself.
Oh that’s terrible I don’t see, sorry

Change color for icons:

You cannot create a new. It has limits except destruction from you:
change it too:

Change colors like your squad to help you know you created it, Must know the location apc and rally point myself, I know they have Notification when someone destroyer But not every time for bugs. they need color like my squad:


Show your teammates using the build. display when they use a build, example on color map for icons:

When they use it the color will like this: