Shove this crap back where it came from

I used to enjoy playing the normandy maps on enlisted and when the devs did some silly things i didnt like i just put up with it as it was still not a bad game, but after this ridiculous new merging where you cant play where you want or on what ever side you want ,that is the bitter end.
Effectively being told you can only play the shit maps because you havent paid or the top guns and even on the shit maps you have to have the shit guns because you dont get to pick sides.
Who ever thought up this idea needs to go in to a room with a katana and do the honorable thing, you have sucked any enjoyment out of this game so screw you im off to buy squad 44

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Skill issue: uncheck the “Join any Team” button above the start button.

As long as that’s not checked, you should at least be able to join the team you like at the very least.


Wow! Really Tom Hanks?

Thanks i have tried that but you still dont get to play the maps you chose whish imo is bull but if that isnt bad enough ive tried to play 15 games in his particular session and all but 2 of them crashed and one even bsoded my pc.