Should there be more build able for different squad?

I mean it pretty much the only interesting thing I can think of that aren’t gun or vehicle or some niche new class so yea

I think each squad should have a build able unique to them, but what should it be? Idk the nebelwerfer can be for mortar but for other classes I got no idea. Then again I’m too lazy to bother for other class since they probably won’t add it anyway. (So that leave radio, sniper and infantry I think idk)

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Yes Should be


No, the Mortar Squad should get HEAVY MORTARS as their unique

The next most likely is Flak Cannons for AT as the ultimate weapon against tanks and planes

Infantry Support Guns should be a universal Engineer building ie any and every Engineer can build it like a MG nest or sandbag wall

Mortar squad engineer:
Some sort of a “small” howitzer.

Rifleman squad engineer:
Trebuchet, a device that can launch a rally point, ammo crate or a squad member to a location.

Sniper squad engineer:
Can build a weapon crate that only contain sniper rifles that other people can pick up.

Rider squad engineer:
Transport vehicle crate, people can use the crate to select unarmored vehicles for use.

Engineer squad engineer:
Build a crate of crates, this crate will contain other crates that allow players crate access to items only available in other crates which are also the crate content of this crate.

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Makes me wonder if you are joking or serious


Yes, the trebuchet being able to launch infantry would defeat the purpose of launching the rally point in the first place, so it should only be able to launch rally point.

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Can you post any pictures of WW2 “trebuchet”?
The “trebuchet” I though is :

Putting these things on WW2 battlefield is crazy.

That’s exactly what I’m talking about.

There was a video of israeli soldiers using trebuchet not long ago (you can find it on YT). So who knows, maybe they were also used during ww2.

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Small howitzers for Rifleman squads

images (23)

“I like thy idea”


Available units 75mm light howitzer, UK 25 lber, Soviet 76mm, German 75mm Italian 75 mm, OR Large caliber AA Gun.
engineer in squad to be able to provide ammo.

Vehicle mounted ones are covered by the armoured squads.