Shotgun realism

Reload canceling a pump action shotgun is a thing that can basically be done in real life so put it in the game. In other words when loading it does not need to go to a full mag to shoot but can stop mid animation.
Also, the need to work the action (pump) after topping off would basically mean that after reloading from say 2 to 6 rounds this would cause a round to eject putting it at 5. So, don’t put the full reload animation when topping off the shotgun.
It seems that the shotguns have also lost some umph, some point-blank shots aren’t even downing enemies when realistically they would blow an arm damn near clean off even if grazing from 1-10 feet.


it’s already there


Press R

so wrong i did moscow yesterday and the shotgun work perfectly fine it insta kill in close range it reload correctly and since you are new it no wonder you didnt know this already exist

I find meleeing will cancel/stop just about any reload unless you’re empty. Damage range for shotguns desperately do need a buff though. Dudes further than 5 feet away take 3 shots, and I have had less than lethal point blank shots


it also take like 20+ shot from afar altho that make sense but i like to imagine a guy getting hit by buckshot from a far away 20 time would probably kill him i guess?

i need a gun expert to tell me if i shot a shotgun from the roof how many round (average) does it take to kill?

Getting hit with a shotgun is getting hit with a shotgun. 00 Buck is 9 pellets made from a pound of lead

The 00 buckshot (plated, pattern-controlled) load maintains a hit probability of 50+% out to 52 yards , which is the limiting factor in maximum effective range because the individual pellets are sufficiently massive and have a high enough velocity to retain terminal effectiveness to a distance of 104 yards.


well idk what spas 12 use so idk what type of round it was but it did take like 10 round to kill 1 enemy from the roof

Regarding reload. He mentions pump and the Toz in Moscow is a double barrel one.

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i mean i still dont have problem with normal shotgun like auto 5 tho unless my memory falling me again i swear it work if you press the “fire” button then it should stop the reload at the amount it has

Yes, but maybe its cause of my connection abroad but the reload only stops after like two shells.

hmm interesting im gonna try it out again but it does work on spas12 shotgun tho since i recently play hazy night

Oh I’ve been having that issue lately too. Where you put two shells in and the reload just stops. Making me press the button again to finish it off, but it also somehow loaded all 6 shells? I don’t know. The Winchester’s reload is weird right now

12 gauge…makes sense I suppose. Lol

So same as the Winchester 1912 and Browning Auto 5. Therefore the deadliness of the guns should be the same ignoring barrel length and any choke that may or may not be on the guns


Welcome, fellow based science enjoyer.


Oh buddy I’m all about Gun Tubers and learning more about firearms. Especially from New Jersey Doctors. Lol

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Did you see that new Brandon Herrera MLK video?

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I did actually. Love Brandon’s content and his assassination videos are interesting


What if we made an extended magazine for that pump action rifle in the MLK vid?

Sounds evil and depraved. Degenerate even

I’m interested

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