Shotgun History and Realism vs Balance

I would like shotgun to be removed from Berlin

Which one?

Both shotguns. I believe in quality not quantity. Sure, there may be fewer weapons but then the campaigns will become more unique from each other and plus that only leaves room for the accurate weapons and equipment.

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As the shotguns are, I can’t say I disagree with you. If they made my suggested changes, though, they’d basically be removing the drilling from berlin and replacing it with something like the TOZ, while also taking the TOZ away from Soviets. I think that might help the axis have a better chance against PPSh squads, since the TTK on that shotgun would be lower than the TTK on the PPSh, but limited to two shots, so it’s a decent balance in my estimation. PPSh = more killing, German double shotgun = faster killing between shorter reloads (The PPSh has a reidiculously short recoil for the mass and capacity of the drum, .7 seconds lower than the Drilling if neither is upgraded)

the us has a shotgun already in game now

no need for another one

I never asked for another one, I’m asking for discussion on realism and balance changes to how the existing shotguns work and in what campaigns they’re available. The only gun that would be added would be a shotgun that’s not the drilling for Axis Berlin.

Did you read the post?

yes and its point less

how so?

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we dont need another useless weapon

it wouldnt be useless with the changes

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compared to every smg/ mg or battle riffle yes it would be useless

how so?

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I don’t expect the drilling to ever be like the real drilling. Combination guns, especially a triple combination gun, would be too convoluted to implement and wouldn’t be more than a meme weapon anyway.

A name change would be more in order.

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In what way? Make an argument. Every time we interact, you jump in, state some nonsense unsupported opinion, shout it repeatedly at anyone who dares disagree with you, and eventually stop talking and leave. Unless you want to participate in the discussion, how about you just skip to the last step.

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Model, too, IMHO. Would drive me nuts to have a thing that looks like the drilling, not called a drilling, or functioning like a drilling.

I also don’t think the combination gun function as I’ve described it above is too complicated for implementation, or for use by players, or too different from how the real gun worked, but as always, YMMV.

Well, you would need a gun with 3 firing modes, a system for automatically cycling between the firing modes, and 3 stat sets.

Either all ammo would need to be counted 3 times, or seeing as it’s a break action the devs could decide that you lose all unfired ammo every time you reload.
Couple that with how impractical it would be to need to account for having 3 firing modes you can only use once each reload cycle, and you would have a weapon that wouldn’t see use anyway.

You make good points about ammo counts, and I’ll touch on those in a second. As far as firing modes, you only need two, as I stated in the OP

So you either get Shot then Slug, or Rifle then Slug, so mode one is for up close, mode two for more extended ranges. Would be kind of a meme, but I’d like to see it only on german pilots in Tunisia, hopefully also with parachutes. I think it’s a good idea.

As for ammo counts, since you’ve got three kinds IRL, but two are shotgun, and the rifle barrel would be hands down the most potent thing we’ve got that’s not AT, we could reasonably approximate the ammo by just giving the gun 60 rounds, and just adjusting the damage characteristics of the individual shots if such a thing is possible. Honestly, if the devs can’t/won’t/don’t want to make the Drilling work like the Drillin, somehow, I’d rather see it removed entirely and replaced with some generic german SxS 12ga.