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sorry I mean penetration and lead indicator. I dont much care about the console aim assist.

Just not the auto lock, auto track through terrain like in warthunder :stuck_out_tongue:

I have re worded to avoid confusion

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The Pershing shouldn’t be allowed in Pacific battles. Japanese 250 kg. bombs can’t insta-kill the things. They can literally just sit in the gray zone the entire match with almost complete impunity.

I’d agree, some of the absolutely delusional babble I’ve heard from people that just want to bash the devs under any circumstances without realizing how good we have it. Every other game I play has devs that drop one lackluster update a year then go on vacation for two months without fixing all the new bugs they created.


Dang. Should’ve advocated for Preferred Map System when the Merge was happening then. F Historical Accuracy

I don’t agree at all here. I don’t want to learn weakspots of 50 vehicles times 5 cannon types to be able to play tanks.


If its any consolation weakspots are pretty much universal. Its more about memorizing the few that dont share them…then theres not much

Still, I play once a week and I really don’t want to memorise what tank and where I can pen with my tank. Especially since devs add new stuff every month or less.

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As hot takes of mines,

  • conquest and train mode can be fun game modes. They do need to make them last longer though.

  • devs hate custom games

  • deserts should get the full hammering in xp reduction

  • pve are needed.

  • every faction should get rider squads.

  • rider and medic classes are viable just as much as any other class as long the user isn’t bad in using them

  • We don’t need new factions, but rather, subfactions.

  • logistic and tow mechanic on vehicles can be useful even if placing a medkit box or engineer crate are easier to place.

  • Germany doesn’t need any new strong toys, just sidegrades of iconic vehicles such as the hetzer, Nash horn, sdkfz 222, 251/22 etc.

And that is all.


Only if we remove train.


Train is a good game mode :crossed_swords:

However, the longer version was better

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There is more money in it for them if they add content, especially when it is premium content with a price tag. There is no money in fixing bugs

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  1. Prevent cycling infantry (the spam is literally unbearable, nothing is as much spammed as infantry is).

  2. Engineers should be accessible only in engineer squad. (With exception of premium and event squads). Since engineers are extremely overspammed class.

…would love to see a Me 262

Oh yea thanks to Erika mentioning train mode I now remember one more hot take

I like train mode

Sadly true


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I mean, this has the feel of a vent thread, so I was venting. That said; it’s not about historical accuracy, it’s that unless someone has a Ho-Ri in their pocket, the Japanese don’t really have a way to deal with a Pershing, especially when 250 kg bombs won’t reliably kill it. Also, I had just gone through three matches in a row in which I, and most of my team were BR3 and had a Pershing just sitting in the gray zone the whole match. I was a little frustrated.

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if you want to read real hot takes, go to one of the handful good discord servers (florida man, u5xn and some private ones) where you can have open discussion with mature people. enlisted forum/reddit is the last place you will find intellectual substance, especially when it depends of people exchanging different opinions :joy:

Really need to increase the silver gain because even doing 3 game in a row at the first place and winning with 5000 exp is not enough to buy one soldier of third rank

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We disagree, but we could agree that if it were optional, and deactivating it would grant more silver, it would be something positive for everyone

Like forza motorsport-horizon difficult options