Server Memory Limit

So as you all may know, I’ve been having a difficult time developing my Russian Civil War mod, even though I have made completley fine code. After many bugs and numerous tests, I have concluded what the problem is.

The problem: The servers.

Now you could chalk it up to me and state “Well maybe just stay within the memory limits then”, to which I respond, yes if they weren’t so small.

The thing is, is that 800 KB worth of custom profiles should not be enough to completley render the game unplayabe due to a bug. I have checked my RAM and GPU, and they run perfectly fine even before and during a crash.

I have also tested numerous servers with this mod, here are the results.
Europe: Refuses to Start
Eastern Europe: Refuses to Start
North America: Starts, but has an exception error which crashes the game about one third to halfway through the game.

And the thing is, is that just 90 minutes before this post, my mod was working just fine, now all of a sudden this random thing pops up.

This leads me to conclude that the servers for custom mods are getting astonishingly low memory, which needs to be fixed. If anybody has additional info, or can help the sitatuion, please do!


From a software engineering perspective, any custom task should first complete the core content with as few features as possible, and then gradually add new things iteratively through version updates.

One reason for this is that there may be a difference in operating environments between programs hosted on the server and those run locally by the editor. Even if it works in your editor, there may be other problems on the server. I’ve seen a lot of things like this

The best way to avoid these problems is to reduce things and then add bricks one by one, rather than adding a lot of bricks/features at a time, which makes it very difficult to find out what is causing a problems

For us players, testing a custom gamemode mission with a lot of content and making it stable is not an overnight task


Would it be the same issue happened to my zombie mod?
But the whole zip file is only 60kb

Idk about the entities generated that would contribute to the ram
I have more tanks than usual games. Like 1 tank per 3 waves, instead of the only 2 tanks at wave 25.

The pattern i found is that it will always crash at the start of the round if it decides to do so. Would that be a problem with the tank or the custom ai shooters(and katana zombies)? But the zombie bunker map that is very popular also have katana zombie and that map didn’t even crash at wave 20 (still like 350% load with 30 deserted players)

Agreed, but its real pain in the rear. If the tanks are causing issue, my map would just wont be possible. The tanks are the selling point in the first place.

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If the problem is midway and there is no high server load problem.

The problem could be something that created dynamically, such as a broken tank or squad

But it works in the editor perfectly
And it doesn’t crash every single time. It is quite random. However, when i think deeply now, it seems to crash on waves with tank spawn
Gotta try deleting the tanks.(it never crashes on the first wave with 3 ha-go)

Oh wait i haven’t test the Ha-Go fix that @Devenddar brought me to(yep i was having 5 crew for ha-go tank lmao). Also its odd but there seems to be 2 sets of crew that one set count for tank kill and other would do nothing but burn after tank is on fire. Or they just get out of the tank after it despanws with body clean up and afk

It would be a whole lot easier if we have access to server logs

Btw my game didn’t crash, it just say connectiom refuse and sends me back to lobby. It would stuck in the cloud if i try to rejoin

yes. since server run program is different from the client one.

Many cases like this i meet… editor fine and server broken. This required many tests. So that why i recommended add things one by one

Should have done that from the very start, now its just tearing 1 thing after 1 thing down

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I’m not sure that it’s really server side problem, because I got crash even in local game. If it was server side then game…

Server =/= Local.

They’re almost always different in many games. Enlisted is not only one game that have such moments when local game works perfectly, but server crashes.

There another one tank. It had weird code. Basically you should just go through the code. Check it carefully. Same for @PrivateRyan44.

It’s kinda too crash, but only for server side.

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on my mod ever time when someone joins there is a server wide lag for aproximetly 1000ms my mode is only for max16 players so not a huge problem butt still a problem. do you have any ideas how to decrease lag coused by player conecting ?

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what is the name of your mod?
it is not normal for lag when player join

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It’s the new one I just released, Russian Civil War - Voskhod landings