Serious Perk System Problems

The current perk system is completely failed and will cost the game many new (and old) players, therefore it needs to be saved asap:

  • extremely confusing, absolutely new player unfriendly
  • costs changed and are a mess for every old player having to deal with conversion on dozens/hundreds of soldiers
  • slow upgrade system is just worse than the old system, straight decrease in quality
  • green blinking on every single damn soldier, many people have serious mental health issues from that
    (DF needs to care about that instead of caring about deleting tank skins because some randoms cried)
  • the new system forces people to work on all of that AND forces them to pay for that → people feel fucked over

Whoever created this system failed completely and simply needs to stop working on this game, its completely incompetent and I havent even talked about high level nuances like optics and intuitive designing.
This problem is very serious, i write this because many people told me they just stop playing until it gets fixed.
If DF wants this fixed, you can write me personally and i’ll solve it in 2 days (direct contact to DF, no time waste of middle people).


System is OK, but the menu should be improved.

It really isn’t especially premium squads get fucked hard with certain perks selected by default which means you literally can’t get tier 3 perks anymore.

Remember the: there will be no soldier levels, you will be able to change perks without exp, and then they added silver cost for rerolling perks because there can be no good thing in enlisted.

Also RIP to anyone who thought they would get ONE free reroll, - only prmeium squads get that you peasants.
Double RIP to sane people who thought they would just reset all perks - i still got my -1/16 vitality guys running around, and there is now no way to get those perk combinations


fun fact - for pilots you literally have to waste money re-rolling, because the high end perks require you to unlock some worthless trash beforehand

I’m a new player and I keep losing money everytime I click on a perk cus I want to upgrade them. For example, it’s 2/3 I click on it because I want to upgrade it and it turns into 1/3 and I lose silver. How do I fix this? I already lose a couple k silver on this and it’s completely ridiculous.

the area to click on jumps from “upgrade” to “remove upgrade” after buying the first perk upgrade. this is horrendous UI design

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