Separate Commonwealth tech tree

Could you elaborate on that? Why do you think not forcing nations into tier V with fictional equipment is a bad idea?

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Have you played Japan BR4 or US BR4?
Japanese faction stacks BR4 because there are very few US BR4 players since its much better to que as BR5.
Japan BR4 fights US BR3 which isn’t fair at all.

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I’m aware those weapons are in the game as event weapons, just though they could be added to the tech tree same way as you suggested adding premium weapons like the Turner SMLE, Flamethrower No.2 etc.

And the Howell doesn’t look that goofy in my opinion, and it was issued to Home Guard similar to the Lewis Gun

There’s a very simple solution to that problem (and many more matchmaking related issues) - implementing a normal +1/-1 matchmaking instead of the mess we have now. Tier I would be able to play against tier I and II, tier III against II, III and IV and so on. This way the playerbase would be spread more equally through the tiers instead of just tier II, V and some at III. Japan tier IV would of course still not be able to meet US tier V as no faction should be up-tiered beyond its top tier.

I’d argue that Japan tier IV vs US tier III is more fair than Japan tier IV vs US tier IV. The 105mm Sherman is already a pain in the ass to deal with from the ground, the Jumbo is too much (not to mention the Super Pershing if Darkflow really wants to completely kill the Japanese tech tree with tier V).

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Great work! Personally speaking I would add the Rieder Automatic Rifle, the Lewis Assault Phase Rifle, the Huot Automatic Rifle and such other prototypes to fill out the need of a potential select fire rifle/AR for the British in BR V. If Japan can get a fictional BR V why not the Commonwealth? Plus the power creep is real for all the factions in-game already.

I try to avoid putting event/premium weapons in the tech tree as much as possible since Darkflow seems to avoid that as well, and these two were kinda unavoidable.

It’s the most steampunk looking gun I’ve seen:) But you’re right, it was issued to Home Guard, so it could find its place in the tech tree.

Japan shouldn’t get tier V and I hope Darkflow comes to their sense before they ruin Japanese tech tree.

As for your suggestions, the Huot is already in my tech tree, and the other two could be added as LMGs (there are 20 round SMLE magazines, so it’s not a problem for the Rieder). The Lewis Assault Phase Rifle doesn’t really deserve to be in tier IV btw, let alone in tier V - is has the same action as the Lewis gun, so the fire rate would be similar, but has 20 rounds instead of 47.


not really a problem cause british would have same queue as US (with possible exclusion of pacific)

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Speaking of which, if this suggestion ever makes it way into the game, I think it should come with a set of maps inspired by the Burma campaign. This way Japan would get more than two maps and they could also play against the Brits as well.

idk if burma would be viable with just british. they would probably need to queue with US for such thing to be possible.

I think it would be comparable to the Japanese tech tree, definitely more balanced fon Japan than facing US tier IV. The Churchill VII might be a problem, similar to the Jumbo but with slightly less armor, but other than that it should be fine.

it is not problem in equipment but in number of players/queues. you would almost never gather pure british squad of 10 players for burma cause e.g. tunisia or normandy would be easier to fill with mixed british/us squads.

Why are people so obsessed with queue times?
As for now it sure might be an issue (though I never encountered queue times long enough to annoy me), but as the game and playerbase grows, new factions should be added.

it is not queue times. it is about empty and bot matches.

btw new factions should be added, but they must be careful for not creating too many factions and combinations that would ultimately lead to empty game. also playerbase is not growing. it has been constant for last half year.

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Well hopefully in 2-6 weeks we will have more, for a little bit anyway, unless things change.

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Well, the game will be released on Steam soon, so that will likely help with that. Btw, where can I find stats regarding the number of players over time? I assumed that the game is growing because it’s natural for a developing game to gain new players, but I kinda want to know how many players there are.

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I see. But BR V Japan would be a reality whether we want it or not. The weapons that I suggested ideally speaking should be gold order weapons. But they have to be included in the tech tree if the Commonwealth needs to have a chance in BR V.

Darkflow sometimes listens to players if there is enough feedback, so I think we shouldn’t loose hope, I definitely don’t. And I’m not the only one who think tier V for Japan is a stupid idea, so there is more players who think alike.

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I hope you are right. But I think the train has already left the station.

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