Semis are Useless Currently

I did this research because I had a person tell me that Semi-Autos (SAs) fill the gap between SMGs and Bolt-Actions (BAs). This is neither correct in-game nor IRL. I went to the enlisted tool and compared 4 guns for the Allies and 4 for the Axis. The trend holds for the Soviets as well. I tested everything at 30m without recoil perks enabled.

For the Allies I tested the Springfield 1903 with Grenade Launcher (BR 3), the M1A1 Thompson (BR 3), The M2 Carbine (BR 5), and the M1 Garand (BR3).
For the Axis, I tested the Kar98k with Grenade Launcher (BR3), the Beretta M1 (BR3), the FG-42 and the Gewer 41.

Results for the Allies

Results for the Axis

The results show that BAs perform extremely well on both sides until well past the average engagement distance in enlisted. Weapons that should perform well at close range perform similarly to SAs until nearly 100m (The Thompson is the worst offender in this analysis.) SAs don’t even perform well enough at medium ranges to make them viable in the game. The reason I chose to compare guns with grenade launchers to SAs is that, at BR 3, I can have a bolt action gun that can lob frikin grenades a few dozen meters and wipe an entire squad, which is supposed to be the advantage of SAs I’ve been told.

If you disagree with this analysis please explain why and maybe we can figure out a place for SAs to work in the game.

Edit: Note that all guns were put in their base config to represent what a player trying to grind out their equipment will see. Veteran players can expect certain upgraded guns which does change TTK but this is about how the game will develop for the new player experience.

Time to kill isn’t the only variable that’s important in a real game. That chart doesn’t count misses, or how many soldiers you can shoot in a given time period. You’re drawing conclusions with insufficient data

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Thank you for the response. The charts show accuracy with and without recoil at 30m (Which I think is fairly close to the average engagement distance in enlisted.) The first target of each set of 3 data points would represent accuracy tap-firing slowly.

For the Allies, the M2 and Thompson have 30rnd mags and the Garand has 8. The Springfield has 5 but also 3 grenades.
For the Axis the Beretta has a 40rnd mag, the FG-42 has 20 and the Gewer 41 has 10 while the Kar98k has 5.
I can go produce more data if you want on different ranges, but the only gun that has a chance of missing at 30m is the SMG’s but they still get enough hits to be effective since their recoil is easy to control. The data is also without recoil perks.

I only needed to read the title, and didn’t need to watch any of your fancy graphics to know that it’s a load of bollocks.

  • semis do everything good. Jack of all trade. Good at range. Good mid range. Good to storm a room.

There’s no situation where semis don’t excel.


Literally anything is better than them. At BR 3 I can get a BA with a grenade launcher to clear any room or objective I come across without even looking at the poor bastard inside.

I’ll retype for you:

They perform comparably with SMGs until the 100m mark. After that you’d just use a bolt anyway.

semi auto’s are good
bolt actions are good
smg’s are good (AR"s are just smgs with range)

they all have their own niches
bolt actions kill - but they kill slowly. you’ll never wipe a point using them unless the AI is real dumb
smg’s are good, but at range they do piddly damage, so you have specific places you can fight well in and others you just have to run in
semi-autos can clear close range areas but also have 1 hit drop/kill potential at many combat ranges, while allowing for quick follow up shots for those that don’t. semi-autos often have pretty good sights in this game too, tbh. svt, garand, g43 are all easy to aim and hit with


… if you have a bolty, you don’t have an smg…

But you can have a good semi instead, which is good at anything.

(Again, good at anything doesn’t mean best)

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Why would I use a semi when I can have 3 grenades that explode on impact at decent range? Maybe riddle me that.

Because, like @_31420124242011 said somewhere, you could have self respect.

Also, rifle grenades aren’t that great in buildings. Tend to explode with them…


Show me, please, where the data suggests Semis are a good middle ground.

Semi autos fire faster than a bolt along with carrying more rounds giving you an edge in CQC unless you’ve got god tier aim which I doubt many have



Are you really trying to pull a “uuuuh achktually” on us with self created data?

Semis are good. Everyone knows it. Everyone that doesn’t need grenades to perform at least.


In CQC I can avoid it entirely by lobbing rifle grenades or use an assaulter with an SMG. Or I can use a bayonet. There are a bunch of weapons I can equip that will perform better than a SA. SAs also have terrible recoil and while it’s controllable you’re hitting significantly fewer shots in CQC than you think.

There’s a reason people want the Enfield to remain BR3 despite having a ROF of 60.

Its data using the games data mine and you’re free to use the same enlisted tester program I did to prove your point. If you can’t be bothered to read the data you’re criticizing then why waste your time at all?

Bro, good luck getting in effective grenade lobbing range against any decently skilled player. I think i met you on Tunisia once and you had trouble against the worst semi auto available in the game (the Armaguerra 39), despite being an insufferable nadespammer
Against BR3 semiautos your “analysis” just completely falls flat
Bolt actions simply lack the mulching power
SMGs leave you completely helpless if the enemy isn’t in spitting distance or completely in the open like a dumbass. Sure, you probably want an assaulter squad in your lineup, especially since you can have two SA engineers and a sniper with it (its mostly theoretical and doesn’t seem to really matter as whatever you really need always manages to get shot anyway lmao)
Semiautos are good enough to snipe people off MGs, out of tank hatches, countersniping campers, generally deal with people at moderate ranges in cover, faster and more effectively than both bolt actions and smgs. Semiauto means you can just refire instantly when you miss, meaning you can play more aggressively and push more effectively.
While it has less overall mulching power, one hit kill/down means you can also storm up close sometimes even more effectively than an SMG, which usually takes a few hits, leaving you vulnerable. And they often come with bayonets too, which are amazingly effective when used right.
Meanwhile with your silly rifle grenade all it takes is one mistake and you are dead


If it’s the game I think you’re talking about then that would go against your claim. Your team got massacred, and in no small part due to the fact you were getting wiped by a few dozen nades. Though you can’t blame me for your team stacking 18 AI in the small tunnel.

Yeah, that was exactly my point.

  1. Your team was stacked to all hell, both in players-who-actually-play-the-game and in BR (wouldn’t be surprised if half the team was bots on my side)
  2. Your brilliant “design” was getting wiped half the time by literally the worst semiauto in the game (It’s incredibly inaccurate, only holds 6 rounds, often doesn’t even down on 1 hit, never mind kill)
    If I had G41s/other BR3 weapons it wouldn’t even be close.
  3. in reality we mostly lost because your team had Shermans just standing in the middle of the open botfarming while I don’t think we ever had more than my singular rally point up. You could have been digging a trench across the entire map and you’d still have won

In a remotely winnable match you are just an annoying frustration that everyone has to deal with

We didn’t play the same match. I was BR 2 and we didn’t have Shermans on our team.