Secondary Objective - Rework ( concept idea )

that’s genious!.

a secondary objective for the defenders that have to attack instead of defending.

although, i can’t come up with many ideas about it.

i was thinking, if you lose to defend the bridge, can you blow it up and deal a blow for the attackers, so that they will have to find another way to get on the other side.

but i don’t know, might be a bit biased for what i just thought above.

I think it would also be important to have a secondary path for tanks such as an indestructible bridge near the edge of the map that takes longer to get to.

On the topic of paths there could be interactable barricades, similar to the stone walls that tanks can drive through, but too tall to jump over or with barbed wire at the top and not destructible by tanks. These could block spaces between buildings and be removed slowly and in sections. Maybe any class could remove them but engineers could do it faster. These could force attackers into choke points or protect flanks.

kinda like Ro2, where in order for make it easier for the tank, the enginners has to blow tank traps in the middle of the road marked as a target:

I saw a suggestion of supply depots being a secondary objective. It could be interesting to have respawning ammo caches on the maps or places where players could pick up/swap guns.

(Random gun pickups could be an interesting mechanic but not really part of this discussion)

It would be hard to place any ammo cache that had mortar rounds though because it would have to be close enough to attacker spawn to attack it there but far enough to prevent mortar spam. IIRC objectives are usually 100-200 meters from attacker spawn and mortars have 250m range so it may have to be only bullet resupply. Attackers and defenders use different ammo so there would be no reason for defenders to destroy or attackers to save like with bridges, a much more straightforward objective.

blowing up the bridge would be of great impact in the monastery (moscow) so as to slow down the arriving tanks forcing them to cross the river or go around it rather than go straight on the bridge, even on the map with the bridge in berlin after losing it to blow it up in air would be perfect for blocking tanks and soldiers still alive, very scenic in my opinion

A few good movies about this scenario.

On a very large Berlin map there could be several bridges. Some highly fortified for German reinforcements and some unfortified that the allies have to protect as they advance. Both could be destroyed but the defender bridges would be much stronger. A central control point or might be ideal here. The two control point invasion could also be good in this situation, I didn’t like it on Normandy as it felt defender sided, but with the Germans having worse weapons in Berlin, a map advantage makes a lot of sense.

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I actually like the idea of bridges, as a perfect example of “integrated” side objective worth pursuing for tangible tactical reasons, instead of being an arbitrarily designed target.

This is how I possibly see it implemented:

  • Bridges can ONLY be destroyed by defenders, and ONLY by planting charges on/under them.

  • Only the bridge(s) in the immediate proximity of the active cap zone can be destroyed (to prevent defenders from destroying all bridges without giving attackers a chance to protect them). As the capture zone shifts, new bridge(s) becomes available for demolition.

  • When the option to demolish a bridge is active, defenders see an icon on it. Once approaching, they see transparent objects to interact with, exactly like unfinished engineer buildings. Any kind of soldier can plant the charges, but engineers can do it in half the time. (Also, no demo packs required.)

  • The number of charges to plant may vary according to the size of the bridge, its tactical importance, or other gameplay factors.

  • The position of the demolition charges should allow attackers at least some chances to fire at the defenders planting them.

  • Once all charges are planted, a detonator appears a few dozen meters behind the bridge (but outside of cap zones). Interacting with the detonator will blow up the bridge; the defenders can possibly wait for enemies to be within explosion range to maximize damage.

  • Soldiers earn XP for planting charges; the player activating the detonator gets credited for the possible consequent kills.

  • Attackers can prevent the destruction of a bridge by preventing defenders from planting charges, but they can also dismantle (J) charges that are already in place (at risk of getting shot and/or go boom before they finish dismantling).

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eh… we are a bit too much optimistic.

just like i said to Voyo,

destruction ain’t gonna happen any time soon.

and it is a bit too much in terms of requirement compared to objects that are already present.
or kill some random already placed AI soldier/tanks/planes whatever.

I thought the same thing, but that doesn’t work consistently. Maybe they have to be popped in specific groups, rather than just popping any 3 balloons.

Yes, that’s what I meant. It’s not every 3 random balloons, but it’s each time you finish off a group of 3 close balloons.

Yep, I’m tracking you, now, and I understand how it works, now. :slight_smile: You’re the man.


I was responding to Serpiko82. :slight_smile:

ah oki.

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