Secondary Objective - Rework ( concept idea )

War thunder for example in air realistic battle have a lot of ai controlled unit and secondary objective expand this even in enlisted in larger map can do only good for the gameplay

While I’d like to see an evolution of secondary objectives in game, I have to be the party pooper and remind that as long as the objective is “destroy X”, anything that is outdoors can be blown up by a bomber in a blink, without any meaningful chance for defenders to prevent it.

that’s why you can’t see them ( to the very least, what i suggested ) past 100 meters.

That’s not really a problem when you can estimate the possible location and carpet bomb.

And if you miss, you can just try again elsewhere on the next run.

that’s why i also suggested that objectives must be dynamic and somewhat protected in some different locations to not always be repetitive, and provide some challenges instead of been cheesed off like baloons.

didn’t i?

when there will be larger maps the players will not be enough to fill them and as do in war thunder they will use troops with scripted objectives to make battles more alive like: “destroy this column of panzers before it reaches this point” or "destroy the bombers before it hit this point "

i hardly think about it.

the one you are describing, perhaps might come to PVE.

but even there, i don’t think devs care about pve anyway. ( hope to be wrong though )

You dont Play war thunder realistic air battle?

it’s actually different there.

you are not using combined arms like enlisted.

not so different the principle is the same only that the infantry is here too, we can take the current beta as an alpha for the infantry when it is fixed i’m sure they will put everything and more in the game war thunder will not last forever and gaijin need a successor then doing the math, in a couple of years we will see Japanese parachuting into Egypt armed with katana to destroy m1 abrams

i guess only time will tell.

You probably did, but I admittedly did not read the whole chapter.

I hope the developers don’t take inspiration from the new Battlefield :rofl: watch the ww2 part

well, honestly, it’s actually cool. but for battlefield.

where nothing is really that historical accurate.

i might actually buy it to be honest, and try the ww2 settings on hardcore.

but that is another discussion for another thread.

no need to go offtopic.

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the idea of ​​remastering old battlefield 1942 maps is not bad especially from EA

Actually this “portal” thing may give people BFV they (we) wanted.
EA is EA but if everything goes well it may give the enlisted a hard time.


this depends on whether gaijin + darkflow will be able to do if they stay with this same mentality it will be hard for them especially with the release of halo infinite free multiplayer

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First off, the secondary objective needs to actually work consistently. As of right now, it doesn’t. Sometimes destroying balloons actually increases Allied troop count, and sometimes, doing so has no effect whatsoever. It did work right, for awhile, but then something was changed and/or broken.

I think the bonus tickets are credited when you pop a whole group of 3 balloons (they are scattered around, but they are clearly in groups of 3).

If the bridge is between the defender respawn and the objective it could have intrinsic value and not need a secondary value like faster respawn. (This would affect the rate at which reinforcements arrive at the objective so it would be similar to faster/slower respawn) Additionally attackers would be slowed in their advance if the bridge was destroyed so it would be a trade off.