Second gun vs ammo pack

I’ve been wondering if carrying a second gun slows you down at all? I traditionally use large ammo pouches, but recently have been carrying two weapons with some squads as it’s simply quicker to switch weapons in a pinch. Sure it could be argued that extra ammo could slow you down, but a spare weapon comes with a good stock of ammo anyway, was just curious about this.

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The second gun will slow you down more than more ammo
That being said, ammo pack in all situations is for min/maxers and I play for fun so I run dual weapons on all my Assaulters so I can have a shotgun and SMG at the same time. You know, in case I want to bully someone. Unfortunately the AI prefer the shotguns…

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Most of the time, you only end screwing over your AI as they usually prioratise using the worse weapon for some reason.
However there are situations in which its worth it to have 2 guns or even expected (radioman has 2 guns by default and no backpack slot).
The main issue with carrying two guns are not just the initial cost, but also variety, since you can’t use weapons that use the same magazine for reloading because then you won’t get full ammo for your second gun, only 1 magazine so it only works with certain factions and BRs.
For example US on BR5 can have M2 carbine and T20 at the same time which sounds cool until you realise that your soldier’s perks are specialised for using only one of these guns.
So overall its not worth to take secondary slot over backpack slot but since radioman or guerilla come with secondary slot by default its worth taking advantage of.

My favourite combo for radioman is armaguerra and Carcano 38 for BR2 Axis btw. It’s usually the only bolty I have on that entire squad and its enough 99% of the time.


AI just prefers to use whatever is least convenient for you
When using Gorillaz I sometimes switch to a bolt action to fight some water tower camper and the bots when I switch to them invariably have an SMG out
If I have an SMG out because I’m in basically melee range fighting for my life…obviously when I switch the idiot will have a bolt action out, without fail basically

Personally I wouldn’t worry too much about it. As a soldier you are not normally alive long enough to be able to swap weapons. I always play as an engineer as much as I can, so by the time I’ve planted my rallies and ammo etc, all the enemy has overrun my position :astonished:


No, weight just affects stamina drain, but it’s barely noticeable