the short 1.5× Zielfernrohr 41 (ZF41) telescopic sight was fitted to some Karabiner 98k rifles for designated marksman use.
It was initially planned to equip most combat units with the ZF41 scopes, but only 6% of German weapons production could fit the sight.
By the end of the war in 1945, more than 100,000 ZF41 scopes had been produced.(From wikipedia)
I thought of two options for adding it to the game
Option One:
As a battle pass reward, can be equipped by snipers and riflemen.
Option Two:
As a premium/event squad weapon, this team has more members than a normal sniper team.
They are probably going to make it so you can put different scopes on sniper rifles since Moscow and Berlin have mosin sniper rifles with different scopes
its important that the 1,5 scopes are used by normal soldiers, NOT snipers. they were made to give every 10 man squad access to a mid range marksman. german snipers were training to use 4x scopes.
the only reason that german snipers occasionally used the ZF 1,5 was underproduction of the very expensive 4x sights and only the 1,5x ones being available (100 000 being produced). 1,5x magnification was doctrined to be used at maximum 500 m but could only be reasonable used at maximum 200 m. even the k98k they were put on had ironsights that could be used up to 2000m.