Scene keeps crashing

Whenever I load my scene in Modseditor, It gets broken.
I want to know why it happens and how I can fix it.

It would be good to know what exacly you did before then save scene.

The crash report has been sent, does it mean that I already notified the staff about what happened?
Or should I tell more?


Or we can try to solve it right now. It would be nice to see files in private messages. I’ll check scene and try to find reason why it crashes. Maybe you did something wrong.

The crash report has been sent, does it mean that I already notified the staff about what happened?


I’m sorry, but you have to be very naive if you think that those crash reports will have any consequence.

If you want help, describe the problem better. Saying “it crashed” is not sufficient. As DEA said, the best way to get help is to send scene.blk to someone. Or explain the last operations before the crash (navmesh generation, placing assets, reloading the editor etc)

I’ve sent the scene.blk to the helper in a separate post, no worries