The best thing I’ve ever had in a Normady game was an SAS squad running through the area in shorts and headscarves. I shot them straight away so the game wouldn’t get any more stupid.
Please change their outfits for example to commando troops like in the following picture. We could probably live with that.
On the same note, the German 277th Reconnaissance Battalion looks silly and out of place with green bushes stuck all over them in the snowy maps of Moscow and Stalingrad, or the desert maps of Tunisia.
Also the campaign Fallschirmjäger squads don’t get their iconic uniforms in any maps they weren’t originally designed for, which is disappointing. Italians too.
I could see British Tunisian tanks and troops and paratroopers in the Pacific.
That’s really stupid
Damn, I feel like I’m playing a World War II All-Stars Brawl like Heroes of the Storm.
In the future, the Commonwealth might separate from the USA and acquire their own maps, where they will engage in warfare with the Japanese. The current mishmash is truly strange.
It´s weird they didn´t just give premium squads the same treatment as regular squads and do something like in the picture. Maybe give premium squads access to all the regular cosmetics in the theater but you don´t need to use cosmetic orders to change them? That would be a decent consolidation for not using a squads unique appearence on all maps.
I am glad that female medics in the Stalingrad Soviet Union are given appropriate costumes to wear in Moscow and Berlin. Perhaps Dev will give other premier squads appropriate costumes in the future.
They had so much of time to do this, it could be even be done with avaiable cosmetics and some hue shifts…
I did prepared a few examples for Tunisian Italians too: