Sandbag stacking

This was a thing back in CBT, but recently I have seen people do this again, this is brilliant as the balance of the sandbags against explosives means no impenetrable walls on points, but they do mean better defense, anyway to my point…

How come some people can do this and some not, I asked my clan and some of them on PC can do it, somebody on console PS4 can too, but I’m on Ps5 and cannot do this?

I think we should all understand and know how to do this, I have been told all you do is hold build button down and it will build on top automatically, well it doesn’t work for me.

I don’t know why devs haven’t re-allowed us to stack and build pillboxes like we could in CBT, but if there is a way and it’s possible anyway, then there less work for them!


I can barely place a sandbag on a slight slope, I have no clue how anyone could stack bags.


I tried doing it in practice and I cant get it to work either.

The point still stands though, this is definitely something that should be possible, and opens up a lot of build options

i saw some people doing this, but idk how to actually do it…

Ok, I think now is just about time that I share something with you folks :

Killhole Sandbags

:grinning: so too

It just started working for me once i saw somebody do it.
If You manage to stack two, rest is easy, but it doesn’t always work


It doesnt always work but its still pretty easy to do (PC).

I call this The Eqyptian X-mast tree.
Know why?

Stairway to heaven…6 sandbags high maximum (for now).

Normal stairs.

The Bridge.

The Bridge of Death.

OK I’m gonna stop now…


Well I think the devs should give us proper sandbag stacking like in CBT, but some of you obviously know exactly how it works, I did it once today, but have to say I’m very impressed with your sandbag art :wink:

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Thanks for your question which inspired me to spend my free saturday well. :grinning:
It was fun to try this, since I had never done or seen it before.
There is no special trick or way to do this.
Sometimes I can build not even one sandbag on another, another time up to ten sandbags without problem.
When it doesnt work, just destroy it and build another one on a slightly different location to try again.
When stacking fails, one of the two errors that can appear is “the inclination of the surface is too large”.
So please note that I have build all these things on smooth surfaces, no dirtroad or grass and such.
It was simple to do and I am sure you can do it too.
I ran out of ideas for things to build, if you have any funny creative ideas, let me know and I will try to build.

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