Rzhev warning!

I wanted to make a mod on the map using the left and right banks. It turned out that the right bank is not finished not only from the visual side, but also the navmesh in this part practically does not work. Therefore, if you want to do something in this part, refrain from this idea until the developer fixes the problem, otherwise you will lose time, like me.
UPD:The left bank in the area of ​​the power plant is also not operational.

You need to put rendinst under the map to make it work. I put some hangar floors

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This is odd indeed:

But yes, placing RI under the map fixes the issue.

But will create enormous navmesh

I checked, it didn’t work. The area near the bridge and up to the church is still playable, then there are glitches.

Please elaborate


So i put terrain_patch below the map and this happened:

Looks like there is a limit on maximum navmesh size of some kind.

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I posted monastery floor, I’ll try your version later.