Russian and japanese anti tank weapon issue

If we categorise at weapons to low/mid/high levels :
Germans have 5
pz 38-39 low
Grb : mid
Panzerscgrekt, panzerfaust and wurstpistol : high
Japanese have 3:
Type 4 and 5 : high
Type 97: low
Weatern allies have 3 :
Bazooka : high
Piat: mid
Boys at : low

So japan and soviets lack of mid level at guns.
According to wiki, soviets used lend lesse bazookas but bazookas are high level and they already have panzerfausts as high level.
If a soviet player who is in mid level match and encounters a panzer 4 f, how could he take it down ?

Why now how to solve it in Stalingrad?

Japanese is going to face low br US for now so no big deal.

PTRD and PTRS can pen almost all German tanks and even their AT rifle grenade is good III killer


I also dont know why M1 Bazoona is high level since it cant pen Tiger Is.

With explosive packs.
In majority of times my tank was destroyed thanks to EP. Then by enemy tanks/planes. And then in rarest cases by AT.

So trying to find equivalent for every tier is kinda unnecessary. It’s not like balance of the game matters on this class, lol.

Soviets and japs get the best AT rifles (semi autos) and they wreck.

These still wreck their mid level oponents when used appropriately

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Bro actually said the type 4 was high tier and the 97 was low, the only launcher worse than the type 4 is the M1 and the type 97 just punches holes in things in just the right way it can almost definitely take out a sherman from the side

The type 97 better than type 4 is just an illusion. Type 97 is good in Pacific only because US tank didn’t have thick armor in that campaign. It will be less useful on higher br where thick armor tank starting to arrive.


Just use the type 5 it has better pen, damage and range

I will still use it to delete infantry, is like a baby version of pre nerf flak gun, one time i killed 4 soldiers in one blast from that beast. Catch me prone and mounted on an ammo box using the at rifle like an hmg.

Lol previously you are talking about type 97 and type 4 right? Why suddenly talking about type5?
How type 5 performs is unrelated to those 2.

If you have many slots to mess with, go ahead lol.
Not all people want to sacrifice their anti tank capabilities.

Who said i ever had anti tank in mind? I use it mainly on infantry. Better than any of the machine guns with the ludicrous dispersion

Not required.
The Japanese fight with their souls, not bullets.


The soviets should get bazookas yes I agree